Beware of Satan's dangerous traps that lurk around on the so-called "information superhighway."
Avoid materialism! Today's wicked system puts undue importance on having the latest and greates technological gadgets, only to produce a new model moments later, making your investment obsolete in a very short time.
****SCREEEEEECH**** (vinyl record scrape noise)
wait---hold up! Scratch that, dear brothers...
Hang on a sec...
...ok, so Jehovah's chariot just took a last-minute detour. Go out and GET the roku and a new roku compatible TV. Yeah, and go ahead and GET the latest tablet (with wi-fi); preferably one for every member of your family. Doing so on a single window-washing income is a fine demonstration of loyalty indeed. Although we scorned the practice of bringing laptops or printouts of scriptures from our WTCD library in place of actually looking up scripture in a real NWT no less than 3 short years ago, we've pulled a 180 and no longer frown upon that. Our many apps available to you at double-u double-u double-u dot jay double-u dot org, will ensure quick and easy reference to accurate, up-to-date and (recently re-edited to fit the newest of light) spiritual food available at your fingertips. How loving for the slave to use this superhighway of information--a provision by Jehovah for us in these last days! Are we not grateful?