It's hard to do because you have to avoid contractions.
"don't you" becomes "do you not"
now after 21 years in professional psychology/humanities, i love talking to brothers that adopt a slow pace in speech, and low tone of voice when they deal with the rank and cold un-associated ones.
my mirroring their present state in personality seems to psych them out for a bit.
i then tap into my fast injection of logical sense, that throws them off.
It's hard to do because you have to avoid contractions.
"don't you" becomes "do you not"
first of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
in the wt's literature it is often theorised that the "great fish" that swallowed jonah was a whale shark.
indeed looking at whale sharks with their wide huge mouths it seems reasonable to think that a human could fit in there.... ... until that is you do any research on it.
while the whales mouth is huge, it's oesophagus however is only a few inches wide.
hi, my uncle made the first move by taking my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa(all in good jws in standing and non have put out anti-jw fliers or speech), that's who he is taking to court.
i have left the organization but than again, i was only a unbaptized publisher.
my grandma (whom i love so dearly was shocked to learn "i am not going to marry a pioneer and i don't want anything to do with any pro-jw females, i feel this religion is one of the most hateful religions mankind has seen).
i was sent a list of places i could contact in my part of wa.
i was cautious.
i always ask if they are jws.
per ohmyjw over at r/exjw:.
i assume that other countries also got this letter to boe dated 1st september 2015 about sending additional information along with s-10 form (annual cong.
Here's the deal on this...
IF they're ballsy enough to come after us faders, I'm done fading. It's time now for me personally to be honest with them. If they're gathering data to collect the reasons "why" people are leaving/going inactive, then maybe this is the time we let them know. Up to now, you can't volunteer info or ask "the wrong questions," because those actions have consequences. You can no longer write the branch with questions or concerns because they just forward it back to your local elder body. But THIS time, they will not only listen but document our concerns. It's rare, but public social pressure has affected change in high control groups in the past. They may take our data and double down on their strict policies or write a series of wt articles "explaining away" and minimalizing our concerns (as they did a few years ago with that pitiful series about 607/587). But, then again, they may actually be faced with a pile of data too big to ignore and "make adjustments in understanding" on key issues. The mormons did it re: blacks in the priesthood. The vatican did it with heliocentrism and evolution.
i know what I'm gonna share with them, in order of importance:
1) disfellowshipping
2) child sex abuse/2-witness rule/not warning publishers with children about prior offenders
3) dishonest writing/misquoting experts or quoting out of context
5) blood issue
6) science & history proving bible wrong (evolution, global flood, genetics, no archeological evidence for exodus, etc)
these are very real concerns, very specific issues and NOT "mentally diseased" rants. They'll be forced to stare at this data right in the face and I imagine, it will wake a lot of them up. This will be the first time many of them--including elders & bethelites--even hear about these issues. Imagine if they see the same bullet points come up over and over again from thousands of faders across every country. I think it'll do some good.
Thats my plan anyway. But only if they press me. Otherwise, I'm gonna stay silent on all of it and continue with my fade.
per ohmyjw over at r/exjw:.
i assume that other countries also got this letter to boe dated 1st september 2015 about sending additional information along with s-10 form (annual cong.
If it's only in Poland, this is just a beta test for gathering metrics. If this letter is also in other countries, we may have reason for concern.
however, I can't imagine the GB pulling a stunt that would no doubt create massive negative PR within the bOrg and outside of it.
I've long suspected since the 90s (when the "kingdom news" campaigns first began, followed by memorial & convention invitation campaigns) that they were just gathering data; how quickly can we print X number of pamphlets? How quickly can we ship them? How effective are the bethelites and elders at keeping a new release confidential before the unveiling at the service meeting? How quickly can each congregation distribute one to every house on the territory and follow up on the not-at-homes?
with this new "return" brochure, it seems like they may be on another data-gathering mission and 2015 is a year marked for the case study. How many DID go inactive and why? How receptive were they to the invitation to return? Is there a geographical, socioeconomic, or age correlation? Think about it. If you're running a multi-billion $ global corporation in the Information Age and you've just rebranded yourself, data analysis is essential in identifying predictive indicators within your target market. This data will help them more accurately predict viewership, whether or not donation pledges are realisticly being met, whether or not to sell off, merge or construct new KHs... It goes on and on.
i seriously doubt the GB will place the enormous additional responsibility on local elders to flush out every inactive member in some kind of massive purge. They want positive numbers on their end of year reports, not negative ones.
i became inactive in 2008 so I may be safe, but I DID have a sheperding call visit from 2 elders in 2015 where I told them that I struggle with doubts (I did not go into any detail). So.... I am a little concerned that I'd be on their radar since we did reestablish contact in 2015. Dammit. I really don't need the stress right now. Hopefully, this isn't a big deal. I keep telling myself that.
as some of you might have read last week, my mother had extremely low hemoglobin and without it, she would have died.
i have somehow managed to bring her to reason and accept the transfusion.
it saved her life.
there's a interesting situation emerging where i live and i want to share it all with you because its proof i think jehovah has pulled his holy spirit away.
when elders think they can steal from the government and pretend to be holy, than jehovah god has left us!.
Ouibliette? Where are youuuu?
ok, I'll carry the banner....
"Let's review: it's a cult."
yesterday some jw's came over to my house and were even being nice to me, most of the time if they do come by an elder or ms may say something but the others will not, its even hard for them to say just hello (how pathetic).
( they also do this behind my back as if i don't know).
i now realize by not being their i've handed my kids right over to them!.