I am brainy too!!!!
find your inner smurf!
I am brainy too!!!!
i've been off for two weeks and come back and everything is different.. i just wanted to check in and let everyone know my c-section went well and i had a beautiful, healthy baby boy.. anthony tristan was born on january 31st at 4:18 pm.
he weighed 6 lbs.
1 oz.. he had some breathing problems and was in nicu for five days.
congrats to you and hubby. You really begin to realize what love is all about when you hold your baby in your arms. There is nothing like breast feeding to feel really bonded with your child. You also picked a beautiful name..sounds like for a beautiful baby. Love you your family.
gotta make this one quick 'cos simon's thinking about pulling the board down for a day to facilitate the changeover.
hope your weekend's going ok. heck, it should be, arsenal knocked manu outa the cup and the socceroos thrashed the poms at soccer!!!!!!!!!
this morning we were talking about when we used to go to the meetings and mrs ozzie remarked about all the excuses people came up with for missing them.
I would have to say that it was number 3 for me.
well i signed on but i am listed as a guest...so where are the donuts?....
snoozy...... those posting guidelines are scary!!!!!!!!
Nice to see you Snoozy!!!! I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are getting along. Did you get a chance to speak to the hospice counselor? Has your husband's family been treating you ok? Hope all is well everyone has been concerned for you.
while reading minimuses post under "friends" about a sister who kept up auxillary pioneering even though her 5 year old daughter died, it brought to mind a similar story that happened just 2 months ago in a large cong.
an elder serving in that cong.
for many years now, lost his wife to heart complications.
This is why so many JW's end up with mental health issues. They do not even begin to deal with any kind of traumatic event in their or their children's lives.
i want to thank all those that helped and encouraged me in my hard times!..hubby passed away from his cancer this morning.
i am so sad my heart is broken.
we decided to go ahead and have a memorial for him this weekend at the kingdom hall he went to.
Dear Snoozy;
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart is breaking for you. You and your family are in my thoughts. Please accept Hospice's counseling services you really need to take time for yourself. You have been so busy taking care of him that you now need to take care of you!!! You are important too.
part of my job involves palliative care - and tonight i was looking after a dying jw man - awakes, nwt bible and the rest around the room of course.
after feeding, washing, consoling, giving drinks, turning etc (you get the picture), i thought 'none of my colleagues are jws or even religious, but they are the ones here.
i'll post again tomorrow, he may not be alive i suppose - but i can say that i haven't seen family about, let alone any "brothers/sisters" about to feed or console - i just see a scared and alone person - and thank goodness we're not all jws.
My heart is breaking reading this. You are a great person to be able to do what you do for the dying. My grandmother is in a nursing home has been a JW all her life. Guess who comes to see her? Not any JW's but her apostate granddaughter. Sure is hard to see that love they keep preaching about it makes me sick.
....and i'm 32 years old.
it must have been sad for her - all those years i was raised a jw and she couldn't even send me a birthday card.
this summer i told her not only was i out for good - but i wasn't going to pander to the parents that now shun me by still not celebrating the holidays.
Happy birthday Zen..hope you have a great day and year to come. Go out and splurge. You missed a lot of years.
he sucks up so much bandwidth that he's now an emperor!.
thanks for hammering on that keyboard, alan.
you've helped a lot of people see the light, including me (even if it did take a few years .
Congrats Alan F..I always enjoy reading your intelligent posts.
i am sitting here watching this shocking interview.
the reporter spent 8 months with this um, person.
i cannot believe how bizarre mr. jackson is.... and it has given me the willies.
I guess all of us here know the emotional damage this religion has caused many people. Add that to the fact that this man/child has never had stability or a normal upbringing. It was based on money, that is why he can walk into a Vegas store and buy 6 million dollars worth of junk and not blink an eye. His whole life has been based on money.
The only part that really gets to me is in my profession if anyone said what he did about sleeping with children, settling out of court because of child sexual abuse charges..I can garantee that Child Protective Services would take your kids. Again it is amazing to me what power and money can get away with. Just my thoughts.