What exciting news. Babies are wonderful!!!! Congrats to both you and hubby.
that im having another baby!!!!!.
just done the test and the line came up straight away....... we were planning on falling pregnant in about three months and happend to fall pregnant straight away...im still in shock but had to share it with you all my family.
luv ya.
What exciting news. Babies are wonderful!!!! Congrats to both you and hubby.
i'm curious to know how many people are logged on jwd at a given moment, like how many are logged on now.
maybe simon knows.. .
i'd say an average of 50 posters are logged on jwd right now....and probably an additional 100 more that aren't members that are reading here right now.. what's your guess?.
Well we all know night or day, rain or snow, the big A or not, hurricanes, tornados, wild fires, drought, there is always at least one on.
i'm a 4th generation witness.
however, i have jw cousins with grown grandchildren (that makes 6 generations), and two of them are married--all in the "truth.
" if they have kids, they will be 7th generation.
My family goes all the way back to Russell. In fact, it is my family that makes the speaker stands that are in every KH in america, and abroad. They made some good bucks on the cult.
so i'm 11wks pregnant (hooray!
) and hubby has been undecided whether to even bother telling his jw lot about it as they are shunning me (d'ad) and have hardly anything to do with him or kiddies.. anyway he was away yesterday and she rang him just to find out train times (only reason she ever rings cos she wants him to fiddle her cheap tickets), he said 'by the way youre gonna have another grandchild soon' what did she say was she pleased did she say congratulations?hell no!
"oh right" then silence, then "well i won't be allowed to see it anyway will i seen as d's d'ad herself".
Congrats on your new baby. Babies are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
Look at it for what it is. THANK GOD they are shunning you and your kids....they will have no influence over them. I left when my kids were in elementary and middle school. My family, nor my elder ex-husband's family have had nothing to do with them as they were growing up.. I Da'd myself also, but they Da'd my kids also.
For your encouragement.............all of them are now college educated, loving, compassionate young woman, and look at the JW religion as a cult.
her life story was the front cover on the july 15, 1979 of the craptower ... she is now dead.
the wt and the memorial program can be downloaded on the link below.. .
through his organization have i found.
I am sure she was told all those years ago, that she would never die in this system. Probably one of the reasons she was willing to leave her husband and children. The wonderful fantasy of living forever, and never having to experience death since we are so deep at the end of this wicked world.
Whatever happens after death, I hope that it is good for her.
it has been a long time since i have posted.
i have, thankfully, completed my treatment course, as most of you know.
i will continue to take medication for at least 4 more years and the prognosis is excellent.
So glad to hear that you are doing well. Sounds like you have done a great job as a mother to help your daughter deal with this as well. It certainly has to affect everyone in the family. You sure have strength and courage to have done so well...glad you are here.
No matter our age, all of us at time need someone besides just ourselves. I am sorry you are going through a difficult time, I wish some of us were close to you...I would take you out for coffee. We are here for you...vent away. Getting the gunk out of your system helps.
my ex-fiancee called me this morning and i answered.
i answered because she called from a different number.
i must say that she called at a very early hour this morning and i was still half asleep.
I would simply tell her not to call you any longer, and if she continues you will call the police. That will stop her, you know can't bring reproach on Jeh. Stupid cult.
and he doesn't even post here cause he's afraid of his wife.
she came home from meeting thursday night and told him they had a local needs about the difference between "willfully" inactive ones and "discouraged" inactive ones.
This crap is just fuel for gossip. Can you imagine the pioneers out in service, whispering around your sister-in-law. One of two things will happen...she will either she through their unloving behavior, or she will come to be so self-righteous that your brother's marriage will be down the crapper. I hope that this is the catalyst to push her and your brother out.
Tell him we are here for him if he ever wants support.
Welcome and thanks for sharing your story with us. It is very hard for most of us to let go of the mindset. You realize that when you have been raised in a cult, you are programmed to believe. It takes along time to get brainwashed, so it will take time for his brain to be washed clean of its influence. Thank goodness he has a intelligent stable wife. We are here for you.