Welcome your posts should be an interesting read. Glad you are with us.
hello, i just wanted to introduce myself to everyone here - as i will be posting here.. i grew up a jw and pioneered, was a ministerial servant, ect, i was in the organization for 17 years.
i left and naturally my family did as they were told and cut off all communication with me.
this left a horrible taste in my mouth for not just jw's, but any religion for that matter.
Welcome your posts should be an interesting read. Glad you are with us.
i don't think we've had one for a while, i can't find the last one anyway!
so just to satisfy my curiosity it would be great to see some of your photos, of you, your family even your pets (they're family too!
) then i'll know if any of you do look like your avatars cos that's what i'm always wondering!
Myself and my three daughters.
i can't wait.
are you a fan ?
Me too!!!! I love it!!!!
now guess when.. .
ok, the who is easy.
the when is not nailed down just yet.
Wow that is awesome!!! Good luck you two.
just letting all you fine folks on jwd that i will be going offline for a while.
not for personal reasons, just technical issues.
i will be completely offline and unable to access the net.. so i will not be able to contact anyone via email either.. i dont know when i will be back.
I hope you can get back sooner then you think will happen. We will miss you while you are gone.
growing up i had a friend that was disfellowshiped for premarital sex, marrying someone out of his faith, and pretty much being a free thinker.
to see what he went through at such a young age was painful to watch.
years later i meet this wonderful man, who was raised as a witness.
First welcome to the board. I love that expression "the famous knock heard round the world." I think I will steal it.
When we are raised in the cult you are brainwashed into believing that it is the right way to think. You do not even question what has been told to you. I also had no idea that anyone else used the name Jehovah. We were lead to believe that only JW's use that name, that is one of the identifying marks of true religion. SO as you can image we were told that no other church uses it. Imagine my surprise when I walked into a church and they were singing a song about Jehovah. We were also taught that the true religion is hated by everyone. That if you are persecuted it is a sign of true religion. What I found out is that most people really could care less about JW's. They just view them as another fundamental church.
One other thing, It doesn't matter how old we are, all of us want our parents acceptance. You husband just wants his parents to love him, and acknowledgement.
Glad you are here with us.
iv'e been posting here a long time but here's something i never shared before .
i'm still a window cleaner.
i'm not going to rant at the 'society' because they don't own my anger anymore but my work is certainly a legacy of my cult past.
Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. My children was the catalyst for me leaving the cult. I wanted them to have an education. All three of my daughters are college educated. I know your pride....you did a great job DAD...you saved your wife and kids from having a desperate life.
Not only am I proud of your son, but you as well. WELL DONE.
did you think you were better than everyone else?
did you talk down to people?
were you a know-it-all?
Yup to all of it. I was an elder's wife, and pioneer... you couldn't get anymore judgmental, self-righteous, know it all B then that. I think back and shake my head, how could I have possibly been such a mean person.
i'm not a big fan of surgery.
i always exhaust all non-surgical options before doing it.
i know enough about medicine to know that surgery is effectively a controlled injury... and that makes me nervous.
Good luck elsewhere.....we are thinking about you. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
well actually tomorrow!
i've finally finished and will now have my master's degree in nursing!!!
i feel like i've been in school for my entire life, but it was well worth it!.
So does that make you a NP? If you are what speciality are you? My daugher is also in grad school for nursing. She is going to be a Family NP. I do believe she plans on getting her PhD in Nursing also. It is a new degree..not alot of schools here in the East offer it.
Congrats on all your hard work. I look at my daughter's books and know how hard you worked to finish. You should be so proud of yourself. You are awesome.