The WTS is so big on having the right to face your accusers that they force small children to confront their rapists. After all if one is going to be accused of rape doesn't he have the right to face his accuser? PUKE! So then, WHY WOULDN'T the Governing Body show up for the meeting on the steps of the WTS? Why couldn't Bill Bowen, Barabara Anderson, Joe Anderson, the Pandellos, myself and the 100+ others face our accusers. We have been accused by them of apostacy and causing divisions. We have been accused of being liars and spewing Satans message. We have been treated with disdain and hate. The WTS has publicly stated that we are sinners. WHY DON'T WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO FACE THEM?
I knew they would not have the spine to come speak to us or hear our stories but it still makes me mad. They are SUCH HYPOCRITES! They are the LIARS. They are apostates of God. And I will be more than happy to let them face me as their accuser!
Laurie Fitzwater