We were commended in a KM for our contributions into the building fund which made it possible for poorer congregations in Europe and Africa to have KH's built.
What they left out of the KM is that the Society LOANs the money from the building fund to these poorer congregations which then pay that money back, with interest. So our contributions weren't helping those congregations at all; they were providing the funds for the Society to loan at interest. Our contributions go into the building fund, the loan payment and interest goes back into the fund, and donations from those in the congregations which borrowed the money goes into the fund.
And maybe there's isn't anything wrong with that....
But why commend us for money? I could see it if the money was actually GIVEN to those congregations for the building of the hall and didn't need to be paid back.
It's like, "Thank you for giving me your money; it made it possible for your neighbor to have a house and food for his family. Oh, btw, he's paying it back to me, with interest."
who is no financial wizard, but is this new math?