First off, I wanted to clarify that I am not a working scientist but rather just an ameteur. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I too was a scientist but in the sentence when I wrote, "other scientists" I was refering to other scientists along with the authors of the research I've read and not that I was a scientist as well. I don't want to use an "appeal to authority" as an arguing point because this would be a logical falacy. My understood status as a professional scientist could be used in this manner so I wanted to clear that up.
Ameteur "scientists" are still welcome to present evidence and anyone who subjects their findings to the scientific method can be taken seriously by the scientific community. Anyone can be a scientist in this sense if we make observations from the natural world and apply scientific methods to these observations. All that is required of us is our natural curiousity and a devotion to evidence. The ethic of science is to expand human understanding so we have an obligation to present evidence which could be used for this purpose.
Now on to your points. My understanding of current Physics explains that matter and energy have always existed and cannot be destroyed but can only change state (the conservation of energy law). Your understanding is similar except that you add God as an extra first step. You ask where did matter and energy first come from and I could answer it has always been. I could ask you the same question about your first step, God, and your answer would be the same. My point being that adding God as a first step really doesn't improve our understanding of the "how did it get here?" question. The God explaination just confuses the issue. If I replaced God with Pooh Bear as the origin of matter and energy for example, it doesn't change the fact that matter and energy have always existed since Pooh Bear is either matter or energy himself and eternal. God comes from no where as does my non-God Universe so how is your explaination better? Your watch maker analogy is equally flawed for the same reason. How did God come together without an inteligent designer? God is even more complex than plants or animals so how could He just appear from no where? The origin of God is thus equally unbelievable at best. In fact, since we cannot see or feel God (He is unobservable) His origins are even more questionable than that of the observable Universe which we at least know now exists. Neither of us knows the answers to these first origins questions so they become unintentional "Red Herring" arguments throwing us off the trail of real importance, that which we can know and observe. I can argue all day that I have invisible silent friends that I believe are real but since you or no one else can see or hear them you could not argue for their reality even if you believed in them too except to say, "I have faith that they are real" What you or I believe is not important in a scientific sense except as it relates to observable reality. Creation Science is not a science because it has faith in unobservable and nonphysical "evidence" which is required to build the rest of its physical arguments upon.
The Bible does however, address observable events in the Earth's History which are possible to see, touch, and document to test if they match reality. The Bible does not explain God's origin so there is nothing to compare the evidence to. The Bible does say that there was a flood which wiped all of humanity and the animals from the earth and then explains how Noah, his family, and the animals on the Ark survived. After observing all the evidence this explaination can clearly be proven false.
The Bible also provides its own internal chronology which can be compared with extrabiblical chronologies including Geologic time. The time frames mapped out in the Bible do not coincide with what Geology, Biology, and Anthropology prove. Humans have existed for much more than the last 6000 years the Bible claims since Adam's creation. Adam and Eve could not have been the first human couple since they are predated by tens of thousands of years by many other humans. The Tower of Babel story is clearly false as well considering that the compression strength of mud brick is very low disallowing a tower of any size that could possibly cause God to fear it or be threatened by it. This story is especially silly considering that even medium sized mountains, which are easily climbed and much higher than any mud brick structure could ever be, are all over the Earth. Why did God allow mountains if he didn't want us to get into the sky? Or rockets and steel skyscrapers for that matter?
The earliest stories in the Bible are the most inaccurate which is exactly what one would predict in a human produced myth but not in the inspired word of an infallable God. As the stories progress into later ages the place names and dates become more accurate. Not all of the Bible is false. I would agree that the location of cities or a king may be correct but then again so are the Pagan's histories which are myths sprinkled with fact but that does not make their gods or far-fetched stories true. If the Bible is inspired by God then it should all be true and not just parts of it. If I can disprove just one event then the whole book is in question if I am to believe that it is really God's word and not just the work of imperfect men.