I once read a web site written by an ex Amish person. It read very similiar to a lot of EX JW stories only worse. There was corruption among the elders, thier kids got special treatment. Many would get punished when they were innocent, and when someone broke down and went to see a doctor for a life threatening situation they were looked down on as a bad example for the rest of thier lifetime. It sounded like JW life only 10 times worse. They have absolutly no worldy friends for support when they leave the fold. It sounded like a good place to harbor ignorance and Biblical bigotry, as well as Spiritual abuse, and every other kind of abuse. There was adultry, rape, and everything else under the sun that humans do. Only by being so isolsated from the rest of the world they have no frame of reference as to this not being normal.
JoinedPosts by libra_spirit
JWs and the Amish
by Silverleaf inthis morning's paper had an article on the amish [nothing in depth, just about how they sell their wares at local markets] but it brought to mind the ideas of the amish - they want no part of the world, they don't like to call attention to themselves, don't baptize little children, and they shun those who leave the faith.
i was just wondering if anyone here could shed some light on how jws view the amish.
are they impressed?
by libra_spirit ini just noticed that you asked me a question several pages back, sorry i missed it.. "what would you say is the best method to regress with?
i've read that hypnotherapy is good".
the hypnotheraphy i had was from a school in california run by a man named david quigley.
David Quigley www.alchemyinstitute.com is a website. My HypnoTheraphist went through his program, as well as many others.
I was given a pamphlet to read about the process, however I was quite ready to see past lives and had on many occasions before this theraphy had personal visions of them.
Energy work and Meditation much like Karate, can be read about, but until you learn from someone who is the "real thing", it is all just so much theory. Reading will program your mind with possibilities, but the expierence of feeling and knowing a state of conscousness usually will not come from a book, but from a personal expirement. When you are around others who can DO, it will effect you. I have read so many books on Karate, and meditation, Yoga, ChiKung, Reiki, astral projection, Eckankar etc. I recommend you try to connect with a group who is actually practicing what you are intrested in right now, get any books they recommend because those are the ones that will come to life in that group. You will find others seeking the same working knowledge, and you will find those who have mastered and are teaching what they know. I recommend the "softer styles" of martial arts. However I was very much into a hard/soft style, UechiRyu from Okinawa. There are Reiki groups where you can actually "feel" the energy these people have learned to radiate from thier hands. If you cannot feel or sense it, then it isn't real for you, don't waste a lot of time pretending or wanting it to be real, move on and find what you are personally drawn to.
The fastest way to advance and learn is to, right off, realize that you are on a quest to learn truth about yourself, and all the changes you encounter will be in yourself. Your path is unique. Trust your own feelings, listen to and expierement on yourself. For me karate offered the ability to integrate mind and body, it also offered many "contridictory truths" which seem to bring the mind closer to the "knowing state" a type of Zen. An example would be "You are the most powerfull and strongest when you are the most relaxed" this is a seeming contridiction. However in sparring practice, those who are the most relaxed are the ones who strike the fastest, hit the hardest, with the least amount of wasted effort. They can go much longer, then those who are ridgid and hard all the time. Mastering the art of soft energy flow inside your arms, while keeping the outer muscles hard and tight, using dynamic tension, is also a contridiction which leads to the ability to break boards. The secret to fast punches lies in mentally connecting with your arms as you strike and identifing only those muscles necessary for the movement, strengthing only those and totally relaxing all the others. How can anyone teach you these things? You have to ultimatly look inside yourself and start to do it yourself. However being around someone who can strike out at you extremely fast and merely touch your chest gently, can be quite an inspiration if this is what you are trying to master. No amount of reading about it will give you so much motivation to master it alone, without any proof of where you can actually take it. Someone else is the proof!
It does not matter if you are seeking abilities in Karate, enlightnement through Yoga, healing in Reiki, or self help like in AA, or just to quit smoking, working in a group is a most effective way to go because you will find ones at all different places along the path, giving you proof as well as inspiration as to what is possible. Just don't attach to any of them in a needy sort of way, don't loose yourself in the group, remember you are there for you, not them. "Iron sharpens iron" find someone in the group at your level to work with. The psychic stuff will come along after the physical stuff is well in hand. Begin in your body then move outwards, you could try some massage work, see what you feel, what is real to you. If you can feel and work with your aura then go straight to some kind of Reiki healing or astral projection. The emotional stuff will come up next, and finally the "knowing". I really believe in the statement "Everything happens for a reason, and in such a way as to effect the most people possible." You see this very quickly when working with groups.
I say with the greatest of love and laughter, "We are all beings of Light", because I have expierenced it myself, not because I read it somewhere.....LOL, and it fills me with so much joy I sit here and laugh...LOL I laugh at how I used to take my problems so seriously, how I used to struggle so hard to get nowhere, how I used to worry about every little thing! Well I still do only now It's all rather humerous to me...LOL
So tell me, can you define what exactly is your goal, your intention, your desire to learn about? To become proficient at? To become immersed in life, you first need a direction, then you need a practicle technique to master, one that is real, and then some examples from others who have done it and can DO it because this is the bottom line. When you can DO something, only then does your "personal reality" change.
Edited by - libra_spirit on 5 August 2002 15:42:1
by libra_spirit ini just noticed that you asked me a question several pages back, sorry i missed it.. "what would you say is the best method to regress with?
i've read that hypnotherapy is good".
the hypnotheraphy i had was from a school in california run by a man named david quigley.
I just noticed that you asked me a question several pages back, sorry I missed it.
"What would you say is the best method to regress with? I've read that hypnotherapy is good"
The hypnotheraphy I had was from a school in California run by a man named David Quigley. He is one of a few who now choose to deal with past lives rather then try to supress or debunk them. He makes no attempt to prove or disprove them, only use them as they come up to help you heal your emotional wounds. In one of my sessionions I began to speak with an old Irish drawl, I wish I had a tape recorder going it was amazing. The way my tounge curled as I spoke that old Irish dialect was a totaly enjoyable and unexpected surprise. I suppose now I could understand the speaking in toungs thing. Anyway I highly recommend hypnotheraphy for anyone who is ready for it. Someday I would like to go and take the hypno theraphy training from Quigley, and maybe go on a few of his intensives.
It's not for everyone, but I think I would enjoy it.
Right now my current method is to begin with a ChiKung Orbit, then move to a vertical chakra opening connecting to earth and the heavens of light. Then to the outer layers of my aura which intersect the chakras above my head. These outer layers of aura have a spinning frequency, as I draw them into devine allingment the Light becomes brighter and my third eye opens allowing the inner vision.
by new boy inthe old man and the boy where working in the field one day.. a man with a back pack and an angry look on his face walked up to them.
he said " i 'm looking to move to your city can you tell me what the people are like here?
the old man said " what were the people like where you came from?
New boy,
That is a good story. It really explains how the JW's seem to find persecution everywhere in the world....LOL!
Have you been searching for answers in the eastern beliefs? I heard that story from my first Karate teacher. He was one who helped to open me to other ways of looking at myself. I think we all see others the way we see ourselves, and much of what we say about others, is really a reflection of where we are at mentally and emotionally. Awesome! Glad to have you here on the board.
by disneycuty ini have a question: as you all know jehovah's witnesses view crystal ball, physics, as demonized or anything that is not suppose to be in the house like tarot cards.
and jehovah's witness believe that the demons would bother them if they do these activities or have them in the house.
do you still believe that or do you think it is the society's way of mind control over their members?
The JW's use dark voodoo to keep thier members in fear, so they will need the brothers to help protect them from evil.
When confronted by a demon, the best method to break the fear control it has over you is to face it, talk to it, then release the fear, bringing up the truth of the situation which created it. This is bringing things into the Light, so all will become visible. When the lies are exposed the demon will have no power over you. It takes courage and strength to turn and face it. This is the method shown by most all seekers of Spirituality including Jesus. The JW's will never tell you to speak with the demon and ask what it wants. Why it is there? They want you to keep supressing your fears, they can continue to use these fears to control you. This is black magic at it's best. They will instead teach you to fear the demons, and burn some object they will claim is producing the demon, this will resupress the fears but will not release them, it will not open you to the greater love and light gained from facing and removing the true problems you are having. As long as you turn away from your fears they will continue to grow and give others the power to use those fears to control you.
If thier members started to face thier fears they would soon realize that they are strong enough to be Spiritual on thier own, then they would have far less trouble questioning the Orgs silly and false teachings about Bible prophecy. The urgency to save everyone in this short end time would fall away and thier membership would dwindle. They know that thier main hold over people is fear based, so why would they want thier members to be able to identify and difuse thier fears. "Demon talk" strengthens the feelings of urgency and fear, it is one of thier best tools. They teach the method of running away to Jehovah and his Org to make it all better, rather then facing and dealing with your demons.
WT Speaks Out On Apostasy
by stevieb1 inthe following quote is taken from the september 15, 2002 edition of the watchtower, p.16-18:.
"in the first century, such individuals as hymanaeus, alexander, and philetus, were advocating ideas that did not fit "the pattern of healthful words.
" (1 timothy 1:18-20; 2 timothy 2:16,17) how could the early christians avoid being led astray by apostates?
I have to blow off some steam here at the ORG!
So you have turned the "raped children" into "disgruntled apostates", this seems like a brilliant strategy, however it is the most vile thing I have ever seen you do! Why don't you "JW Org fucks" admit you have ignored the painful screams of those in your flock, in your care. Acept them back with love and apologise! Instead you attempt to hide your transgressions from view. Sounds kind of like Adam in the garden trying to hide his nakedness from God! Well guess what there is no place to hide anymore, your sins are mounting and now many are watching you. You elite group of bigots are under a microscope and the world is watching. Your Karma will come back on you. You are not righteous men, and if you want to be righteous you must learn from your mistakes and change.
by new boy intrying to make sense of it all?-----------------try this.. that we all been here many times to experenice all aspects of life.. we have been male an female.. we have been or will be most races on the planet.. we have been or will be a members of most religions on this planet!.
we have been judges, soldiers, harlots, pleasants and some have been kings.we have been the prisoners and we have been the guards, we have killed, we have been killed.. oh yes!
we have been zealots too.. there is no!!!
Hey newboy have you ever done regression and had visions of past lives? You know like whats her name, ..Shirly Mcclain .oh well. I have seen a few past life expierences this way and been quite surprised that even the intent and things I could have never known came through. One time I saw myself in Egypt, with a sacred scroll of sorts and on our heads were crowns that had a Cobra head on them, I immediatly knew that the Cobra was somehow sacred to us. Well after this I took a closer look at the Egyptian relics and lo and behold there was the cobra head just as I had seen in the vision. That kind of made me feel wierd, cuz I had never been intrested in studying Ancient cultures before. Now I usually just go into a meditative state and gaze along the Causal plane, and off my right shoulder there apear a row of playing card size image of past lives in a long curving row. I can slide down them and jump into which ever one I choose and pull up things that need to be dealt with. Many of them contain dealings and events with people I know today, many don't. Wierd eh!
But hey whatever blows yer skirt up!
IS the NWT really the WT Bible?
by Bleep injust wondered how many people this this is all true.
feel free to really think about this one and provide proof and examples.
Didn't someone named Greeber, a psychic and spirit medium, write that version of the Bible?
why do people think jesus died on a cross?
by watermelon ini have always wonderd why so many people think jesus died on a cross.
ive been brought up to beleive that he died on a stake.
where did it come from about the cross?
I was raised a JW and used to believe the stake thing also.
One of the things that made me wonder about the stake thing as not really valid. Now if Jesus was showing doubting Thomas his hands and made the comment "holes from the nails in his hands" did this not mean 2 nails. Now if Jesus was on a stake would it not be one nail through both his hands as pictured in the literature, he would have said "nail through his hands" singular. Read the Bible, the quote says nail(s) in his hands. To me I had to question this doctrine, because it really is not what the evidence indicated to me after carefull study of the issue. Also other historians of the time peroid have indicated that Jesus died on a cross.As far as I know this whole concept of Jesus on a cross has never been questioned untill the JW's came up with this idea sometime after Russell died. Charles Taze Russell has a cross on his grave stone! He obviously believed it to be true.
Theocratic Warfare at my house part 3, the end
by freeman inthank you all who responded to my earlier post, i am pleased to say there has been a major development.
just twenty minutes ago i was sitting at the piano and my wife comes up to me and says, "i talked to the brothers, you were absolutely right, i apologize, he (my minor son) will never go to the meetings again".
i sat there in stunned shock both happy and sad at the same time.
And what did you expect? On the one hand I am happy for you, and especially your son. You can not know how much you would have regretted this later in life if you had allowed him to be programmed as has been the case with my two sons.
On the other hand, I too felt compassion for my Ex-wife watching her knuckle under to the Elders crap, even with the most important things in her life, which I feel are sacred. Her life is sacred to me, and yet she is willing to submitt to such a discusting role to be submissive to them in all things. I pitty her, and I pitty your wife too. I wish there was some magic words that could be uttered to awaken people from the trance induced by the JW cult, but there is not. At some point you have to realise they want to be there, and then you must move on without them.......
Warm Hugs, and congratulations!