So minimus, how did it feel to have all that Holy Spirit? Kind of powerful I imagine!
Ok blondie, then it must be true, I mean if the WT says so then that proves it! Just made me laugh.
I think elsewhere has a good idea there, we need a group of Elder testers for the Salem Elder Trials. Elder dunking might work too.
One of my most frustrating expierences was going around, as a young Witness, and asking elders, "What is the Holy Spirit?" and then enduring the meaningless babble I would get back. Everything they do is to replace Holy Spirit with something else even including electricity, and finally the Org seems to be the final replacement. Anything in the Bible attesting to the works of the Holy Spirit, is now considered demonism! If you were to start talking to Jesus, since he is now present, or if you healed someone in his name, watch out! If you sopke in tounges, or cast out a demon, watch out man! They have demonised the Holy Spirit, and replaced it with Watchtower text and negative legalistic controls. They have turned a powerful Biblical force that created the world into a meaningless mental concept now powerless, 2nd to field service and meeting attendance.
I would have to say it should be obvious that elders don't have any more Holy Spirit then any other follower of the JW cult because none of them even recognize it when it pops up anyway. For them grandious mental explanations serve as supporting arguements to allow them to stay in thier rosey little "Paradise earth mental picture where everything will be magically taken care of after Armageddon" illusions, and no one will have to expierence anything emotionally real right now. No growth, no changing, all that can be put off and ignored. If there is any Spirituality in such a practice it would be by accident.
No bitterness here! LOL!
Ok so if it's proof you want then consider how elders are put into thier rolls. Is there a cerimony where a spiritual priesthood is passed onto them? No! Is there even any kind of a prayer conducted at thier inaugration placing this Holy Spirit in them? No! Is there any transfer of Holy Spirit placed on them by the Circuit Overseer or by a group of super spiritual Bethelites? No! Is there any laying on of hands? No! Any fasting, or prayer? Any initiations? I think they just look at thier service record, size them up, appoint them if they qualify, and then hand them a rule book and basically say, ok now you are incharge. Have fun controlling the flock and we will accept any and all your judicial rulings without question! We will always believe you over any of the flock, and you will recieve special treatment as will your kids, welcome to the good old boy network, the ruling class! So much for the judges and kings and priests that the flock thinks is ruling them now from heaven with Jesus! Pretty neat eh? Just never show anyone the rule book or they might figure that out! Now get busy and start a witch hunt because that will pull the flock together tightly with fear, keep all of one mind, and keep the group cohesive and submissive. Oh and be sure to tell them how good they are following now and then when thier hours are up, a pat on the head usually does well.
Did you see anywhere in there where the Holy Spirit was even mentioned let alone become amplified in them?
To them the "Holy Spirit" must be figurative or symbolic. It just means that they are good at programming the flock and themselves successufully.