I'm not trying to offend anyone by asking questions, but I really want answers to my questions from Jehovah's witnesses. Ok, I've been having a problem with John 1:1. How many Gods are there? The most famous distortion in the NWT is John 1:1. The NWT inserts the word "a" in front of the second God in this verse. So the NWT reads "In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god." Obviously this is to denigrate Jesus. They even uncapitalize God to make Jesus not seem Godly. Ok, we all know there is one God , right? There is no doubt about that. Answer me this though, according to your doctrine, is Jesus a false God or a true God, because your corrupted translation clearly says he was "a god" Please answer me and I am sorry for offending anyone, but I must know the answer.
Questions about Jehovah's Witnesses that I need answers to
by the real truth 38 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hello, the real truth,
I doubt you will find many current JW's here.
This site may help a bit with your question.
the real truth
I read the first couple paragraphs and it lost interst to me very quickly. I don't need a huge article on it. All I need to know is if Jesus is a true God or a false God, because The JEhovah's Witness translation clearly said he was "a god"
little witch
Shouldn't something this important, warrant a little research on your part? Geeze
Wild Horses gave you the information you ask for, and you complain it is too bothersome????
Wild Horses provided you a link with some excellent information.
You, like the Watchtower Society (Jehovhah's Witnesses) have fallen into the same trap. You take two verses of the Bible and then try to form some kind of link between them.
The Bible is great for outlining basic principles often through story telling but to try and form dogmatic "truths" using random scriptures is troublesome.
IMO this applies whether you believe in one God/Goddess, three gods or Gods/Goddess, 300 gods or none.
Jessica Rabbit
the real truth,
I'm sorry if this ticks you off, but I have a question about the scripture you quoted. John 1:1 says "In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god." My question is this: If the Word IS God, why does the scripture say he was WITH God? How can you be WITH yourself; if indeed the KJ version is the correct one?
(Sybil, if you're out there, keep quiet. That isn't what I'm asking.)
"The real truth",
I am confused. Why are you posting the exact same topic again? You got quite a few answers the first time you asked.
One of the most important points you seemed to miss is that this is not a Jehovah's Witness site. Most people here are xJWs, so our view will not be the one you are apparently looking for. If you are sincere in your questions, you may want to read your original post, and also post questions that are appropriate to the site you are visiting.
little witch
This is also, if I am not mistaken, ''spamming''
What is it that is really on your mind, You seem to ask a quetion, and don't wanna hear the answer.... odd....
The position of Jehovah's Witnesses on the subject is that Jesus is a true god, Jehovah is the true God, Satan "the god of this world/system" is a false god, and according to Paul, some who have "made a god of their belly" have created a false god. Jehovah created a true god when He created Jesus as "the firstborn of all creation." JW's are one of several religions that hold that Jesus is a god but not the God.
There are about a dozen other translations that wont translate "theos" (god) the same as "'o theos" (the god) when they seem to be compared in the way John 1:1 does. Greber's is the easiest to attack, but the Greek appears to be ambiguous on purpose in this verse. There are very few Christian religions left that don't believe in the Trinity or in the Deity of Christ. In an odd way the JWs believe in the divinity of Jesus, but won't dare state it that way. They emphatically deny the Deity of Christ, because they say that Jesus denied the Deity of Christ. It's really not an impossible theory to support in the Bible until you come to the book of John, then it becomes very difficult. But then again as someone else pointed out -- it might be easier than the Three Gods in One God theory that most Trinitarians uphold.
Once again I would like to point out the error of your question.
To a JW God with a capitol G does not equal god with a small g.
Jesus is not God he is a god.
Only the father is God. All the other gods are a small g ok? This is how they are kept seperate. Your above statement indicates they believe that Jesus is God (capitol G) this is in error.
The problem is in the question not in the answers you have been getting.
The JWs have only one God (the father capitol G)
They are aware of many gods(small g) satan, Jesus, etc.
Jesus is a good god but is not equal too God(the father capitol G) of which there is only one.
Satan is a bad god, the god of this world.
Please carefully read the above and try to notice where the word God has two different meanings depending on wether it is capitolized or not.