Lets not forget
Apostofest- a gathering of apostate EX'JW's
Along the Startrek theme,
A Dub Drone or DD(DeeDee)- a mindless follower knocking on doors, presenting an emotionless presentation, believes that resistance is futile!
Assimilation- getting sucked in then programmed into the JW collective where your identity is sacraficed for the greater vision of the whole group, and your body is taken over and reprogrammed for field service and mindless watchtower question answering. Your hand is programmed to raise during Watchtower studies. All your thought processes are taken over and controlled from the central Borg hive, using the notion that now you are a "True Christian". You can be easily led now to do almost anything simply by stating what any "True Christian should do". All Drones are linked together with this key phrase into one single mindset and one unity consciousness and one set of actions, giving them a sense that they are much more then just one small and weak self. They become very large and strong within thier own mind, just as the Borg in Startrek do.
The Borg- The Organization, after assimilation you will exist to "service" them, ie you will "go in service" and assimilate others (the similarity is stunning)
The Borg Hive, B Hive- a name for Bethel or the Org central dissemenation of information center, which brings order to kaos.
Hive Drones- Bethelites
Apostates- The good guys who survived and got out, like seven of nine, they still have a working knowledge of the Borgs inner process's so are far more capable of "resistance" which is "not futile" as the Dub Drones believe. Termed the "Evil Slave" they become the JW's most dangerous enemy, because they know the truth about the Borg, and who is really controlling it.
The Federation- containing a slightly kaotic quality, all the good Spiritual Organizations outside the Borg [Org] who accept one another in peace and do not attack or destroy each others beliefs, but must constantly be on guard against attack from the Borg who considers them insignifigant and kaotic and seeks to steal thier people and resources to feed it's self