How can one fix their sanity (claiming to be Christian) to just jump over Christ and claim to be witnesses of God? If you aren't witnesses of the Son, I doubt seriously you are witnesses of the Father.
Posts by Lieu
''YOU are my witnesses,'' Trump card (and comfort blanket)
by MidwichCuckoo inthis, i find, is always the bottom line.
'" "'you are my witnesses,'' is the utterance of jehovah, ''and i am god.
as his name is jehovah, the people must be jehovah's witnesses.
''YOU are my witnesses,'' Trump card (and comfort blanket)
by MidwichCuckoo inthis, i find, is always the bottom line.
'" "'you are my witnesses,'' is the utterance of jehovah, ''and i am god.
as his name is jehovah, the people must be jehovah's witnesses.
#1. Its silly to think God picks people depending on when they are born and not on their heart condition. Its even sillier for a bunch of foolish men to tell God when he should stop picking.
More like JW originators closing up the gates of Heaven so they won't enter and no one else can.
#2. A witness is someone who can testify on something seen or heard first hand.
I doubt the GB has seen or heard much of anything while hiding in NY. They claim to hear stuff but its never right. Most of the old heads were 20 or so when they became Bible Students and never grew out of their juvenile foolishness.
#3. Why bring Jesus into a conversation dealing with JWs?
He's insignificant in their minds, they ignore him altogether, jump the chain-of-command, and go straight to being witnesses of Jah. Never mind that sacrifice or heavenly arrangement business.
#4. How long did it take for JW bosses to include the word "Christian" in their title?
People. They (the bosses) don't want to be Christians, Christianity implores way too much freedom of mind. They want to be something of a mixture of Free Masons in accordance with Canonical Judaic Law.
They want to Lord. You can't Lord over free people, so forget the Christ stuff, its too nice for them. The only way to do such is to ignore being a witness of, gasp, Christ and go for reverting to an ancient Israelite; which allows small minds to behave like the priesthood saying," we still need sacrifices you sinners". -
5/23/05 KM Article "Jehovah's Day is Near"
by TheListener into be covered during service meetings week of 5/23/05.. q&a.
1. christians ardently desire the coming of jehovah's day, through which he will destroy the present system of things and usher in a new world of righteousness.
(2 peter 3:12,13, ftn.
...and with stockholders to boot. Some who aren't JWs and quite a few females. Everyone knows stockholders shape the direction of every corporation.
Is Early Christianity the Basis For JW Practices?
by OldSoul inearly christianity: what was it like?
did the early christians ask the public for donations to fund their ministry or other works?.
did the early christians encourage believers to distribute communications from the apostles and older men in jerusalem to the public as a primary part of their ministry?.
They're Millerites. Prophecy nuts. Consumed with doom and gloom for their own selfish purposes. Like Jonah, and unlike Abraham God's friend, JWs are elated to go give a death message to the inhabitants of modern Ninevah....and would be pissed if people didn't get killed for repenting. Abraham, on the other hand, would be bargaining for lives to the end as he did in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah.
JWs whole premise for existance as God's channel is their being "in the know" of when Christ returned (um, invisibly)....and that 1914 date wasn't even the one,of the many, chosen by the originators of the religion.
What amazes me is that every Biblical writer (AD) said no one knows when Christ's return would be, not even Christ.....but nooooooo! Millerites and their spawn offspring JWs HAVE to keep trying to say and guess exactly when it will be in defiance to God.
Its like Adam and Eve .... God can't have his own tree .... Adam and Eve stole from God when they ate from His tree.
With JWs he can't have his own "appointed time" ...JWs are obsessed with trying to steal the date from God.
Begin rant...
The reason you see no signs of Christianity (love, inner happiness, Good Samaritan behavior, bible wisdom) in JWism is because their leaders are all up on a tree they don't belong on, like a certain snake. Its not about the happy message Christ or the Apostles preached. JWs are obsessed with dates and the big A, not the Bible's message of love. They're focused on the negative not the positive.
Hypocrites! Sons of vipers! Making God's word meaningless with all their stupid rman made rules. God's word the Bible; who needs that thing anyway? We don't need a Bible, we have something better than God's word. We have the Watchtower rag coming from imperfect men who claim not to be prophets although appointed but not....'cause the Bible is not good enough for us by itself.
I feel much better now. End rant.
Am I wrong to feel this way
by stillajwexelder ini am supposed to love being with the brothers at the kh.
i can not wait to post on this board.
i prefer the intellectual emotional stimulation of the people on this board.
JWs have taken what was once the early Christian's opportunity to gather together,( tell experiences, give an upbuilding discourse, eat, and actually enjoy fellowship in love) into a boring rudimentary procedure void of any upbuilding stimuli.
As a whole, they're full of negative speak and 'buzzwords'. Now, there are those who are quite interesting (ie normal) about.The thing I noticed most, when everyone leaves out of the KH, they seem to cheer up and come back to life. When everyone is inside the KH, it appears they lose their liveliness and become almost as if dead. They are extremely afraid of what others think of them, to their own detriment. Because of this, JW's behave in an 'expected' manner so you really never know who they might truly be.
The 'expected' manner is to be a bore void of any thought.
As A JW, Did You Ever Really Love Jesus?
by minimus init was always about "jehovah god".
jesus was mentioned but he was always in the background.
many religions boast of loving jesus.
I did, that's why I can't be bothered with JWs too much. One can worship God and love his son at the same time. I see no conflict. I had a saying: Catholics know Peter and JWs know Paul; Christ anyone?
Did Anyone Ever Find The Meetings Interesting???
by minimus inevery once in a while i enjoyed a public talk that featured a very good speaker.
most meetings i was thoroughly bored.
especially was i bored with the baby food pablum that was force fed to us.
No. I found them boring in discourse and juvenile in content. Its like there's a red button and a blue botton. A group of fickle minded guys give the 'don't push the red button' discourse over and over and over; a never ending cycle going nowhere. We never get to the purpose of the red button nor any mention of the blue button. Then there's the whole 'out of context' scripture (in everything) shiznit and 'your never doing enough' discouraging talk which goes on, polluting matters worse. So many JWs are depressed because of attending meetings where their feelings of worthlessness are solidified by the Elders discourses.
what to say to when someone says happy bday?
by tsunami_rid3r inwhenever people tell me happy birthday tomorrow what do i say?
and the girl i took to prom well im still having some feelings for her and we seem to be getting along good.
id like to hang out with her because shes fun, but she has a bf now.
I had a MS keep telling me it was his birthday at the book counter. Finally, I said 'happy birthday' as an elder was walking by and the MS simply said, 'thank you'. It was hilarious!!
Just say thank you, its okay to do so. If someone wishes you good tidings about anything, just say thanks. -
Are You Still Stuck In The Moral Panic trap?
by Englishman injust that you're an exjw, do you think that the world is a good place or an evil place to be?.
or are you screwed up about asylum seekers and other perceived threats to your security?.
i tend to always err towards optimism generally.
I don't think the world is evil per se but I do think there are some very evil and immoral people in it. There are slso some very decent folk about just trying to do their best as people. I no longer hang around JWs because I prefer to focus on the positives, not lull in the negatives.
Post Some Flowers Here, Please?
by Frannie Banannie inmany of yall have seen the "someone special needs cheering up" thread >>
there've been some really thoughtful responses, such kind and considerate wishes for kristy.
even so, i realize how difficult it may be at times to find the words to convey well wishes for someone who's suffering and striving so hard to overcome extreme circumstances.. .