[quote]Why do so many of you, knowing that the WTBTS is false, still attend services or conventions? Is it entertainment value or are you afraid to be disfellowshipped and lose your friends and/or family? I don't get it.
I haven't gone in years .... and I won't step foot in a KH, let alone an assembly hall.
Posts by Lieu
"time before tribulation is miniscule. I am scared. I know it must be true"
by Wasanelder Once in"i heard from ones that had gone to the convention that our time before tribulation is miniscule.
i am scared.
i know it must be true.
I corinthians chapter 11 verse 17 onwards???
by evergreen inok, i was reading this chapter today in my back garden and was astounded at what i had just read.
every year as long as i have been a witness vs 28 is mentioned that a man should examine himself under scutiny before eating the bread and drinking the wine.
obviously implying that only the anointed are to partake of the emblems etc.
Without reading the context, who would have any clue what a lone scripture was referring to? If Jesus thought one lone scripture was all that was needed to prove a point, he wouldn't have bothered putting them into context using parables or discussing the entire events surrounding the scripture.
Are "orbs" in photographs spirits?
by LovesDubs inas weird as i may be perceived, i do believe you can catch spirit entities on film.
and the more you believe in them the more you get on your pictures.
they are attracted to frovility, laughing, children, parties, families...and i take pictures at every function i go to and they arent always there.
Yes, but only if made by Smurfs.
JWs and the Internet
by JW_Researcher ini posted the question below but it may have gotten lost in the shuffle.
nina indicated that the jws have been "instructed" not to use the internet.
my understanding was that they were to use caution.
For people so in touch with God and having his favor, they sure do have a whacky fear of demons....they see them everywhere and in everything.
If God is on their side, and he's more powerful than his erring creations of angels (demons), then why the hell are they afraid of demons? Talk about lack of faith. I think its too many horror movies, myself. -
How would the Governing Body treat Jesus if he were on earth today?
by unbrainwashed in.
they would criticize him for "independent thinking" and eventually disfellowship him for apostasy for not going along with their religious system and doctrines, don't you think?.
oh wait...that's kind of like what the sanhedrin did to him 2,000 years ago..
That's about right but not before saying he was "bad association" for eating with and entertaining/cheering-up less desirable (weak) brothers.
He'd definitely have to go if he used full context parables without using the out of context norm.
Should he be seen talking with the Samaritan woman (or any woman OMFG) then he'd be "accused" of loose conduct.
The single brother visiting his friend's sisters (also his friends) could cost him some gossiper's allegation of immorality and brand Lazerus' sisters as whores.
Lazerus' death would be an alleged result of immorality and poor field service hours.
Any mention that he is appointed mediator upon completion of his mission would send the elders into a tizzy fit shouting apostacy! They might stone him for denying the WTBTS as mediator....that one's up for debate.
Going in FS without a territory map would get him banged.
Not reporting time would get him 'seriously counseled'.
A failure to place literature will get him labled.
Conducting any miraculous ventures would cause him to be called demon possessed....as would touching a Smurf. -
No information for the great crowd in the bible......................
by vitty inim not very articulate and find it hard to explain myself but here goes-------------------.
i always wondered (not too deeply).
everything was about the hope for a resurrection in heaven, nothing about an earthly paradise.
That's that Masonic stuff permeating into JWism. No other Christian sect has such silliness (except maybe the Mormons...and that fellow was a Freemason too.)
The Freemasons have little secret groups within the bigger group that they refer to as the "elect" .... wording used by Russell and Rutherford quite a bit. Only the "elect" after completing a bunch of rituals and various other acts were supposed to be told the real meaning of everything.
If you have a small central group that has "secrets" and "secret meetings"; particularly apart from the whole group .... then they aren't Christian.
There are no secrets in Christianity and Christ was transparent as were the biblical Apostles. If the Bible had been written by the GB of JW's, no one would have a clue what happened at the meeting in the book of Acts...heck, there probably wouldn't be a book of Acts....everything is such a damn secret with that Org.
THeir interpretation on the GC is incorrect as has been so many other intepretations they have made. I'd ignore it, the Bible was written for everyone not just those who think they are "more special"...not very Christlike IMO. -
Apart from JW's, do others still feel 1914 was a turning point in history?
by jwfacts inthe watchtower claims that hisorians say 1914 was when the world changed forever.
as a jw the year 1914 is repeated so endlessly that it seems it must have been the turning point in history and hence the beginning of the last days.
but i have never really heard anyone else ever mention that year, apart from the odd history lesson on ww1.. do people in general ever think of or discuss 1914 as being a year of any significance?.
For the above post..... it should say : Russel changed the date and formula a few times until it fit 1914. Patterned after Miller, of course.
Apart from JW's, do others still feel 1914 was a turning point in history?
by jwfacts inthe watchtower claims that hisorians say 1914 was when the world changed forever.
as a jw the year 1914 is repeated so endlessly that it seems it must have been the turning point in history and hence the beginning of the last days.
but i have never really heard anyone else ever mention that year, apart from the odd history lesson on ww1.. do people in general ever think of or discuss 1914 as being a year of any significance?.
No, aside from WWI. (Actually, Russel changed the date a few times.)
Russell and Miller had some issues with numerology. Dude was (and most of his followers today are) serious number nut(s).
When the JWs try to figure out dates, they remind me of occultists looking into crystal balls. I've never seen so many lust so hard to find a date they aren't supposed to know anway.
I never did believe the date stuff and I always felt dirty when it was discussed at length in a lesson.....Jws are like Adam & Eve in the fashion they think its alright to steal (knowledge) from God because they'd like to know.
My .02 -
Up to our elbows in Newbs on JWD
by IP_SEC inwow, what's going on here?
i look at all the new folk here that seem to have joined in the past 2 months and are posters who are under 100 posts and i gotta wonder why.. has something happened in dubland recently to cause a lot of folk to reach out?
if you are new here at jwd, how did you find us?
Welcome new folks!!!
From the guilty as charged of the forgot the intro post section. -
Does Genesis 1:26 support Devine Trinity???
by zagor ini've seen several comments about trinity, so here goes another one: .
please read again genesis 1:26
this is very interesting paragraph and many times is being used as a proof of trinity as it says let us create .
An easy correlation between God and Christ as His Word is the account of Moses and Aaron.
Not that God is a poor speaker but the relationship is the same.
Moses imparted the message and Aaron was his Word, so to speak.
Exodus 4: 14 And thou shalt speak unto him, and put the words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do. 16 And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people; and it shall come to pass, [b]that he shall be to thee a mouth, and thou shalt be to him as God. [/b]17 And thou shalt take in thy hand this rod, wherewith thou shalt do the signs.