I was raised in 3 different congregations and I would have to say that it depended on the congregation. There seemed to be vast differences.
Interesting, yet I have to agree. I've been to KHs from Europe, Latin America, to the US.The US is the only place where I've been and had an entire body of Elders be disbanned ... but now I know why since it was in the early 1980s. (The Franz split.)
I will say, the KHs in the other countries were far better than those in the US. Especially in the caring about one another category. My opinion, mind you. It has a lot to do with the culture of the country. The US is a 'me first' non community oriented environment and that rubs off on people whether they admit it or not. It's more stand-offish and distant by nature.
Think about how immigrants come from other places and band together as a community and lift on another up, etc. Its in their very being to be community oriented.