I don't get it!
Don't JWs Get Humiliated Everytime They Say THIS Time The End Is CLOSE!!!!!
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
You'd certainly think so.
My mom said it was "very soon" when Reagan was president of the USA. Well, before then too. And if she lives that long, she'll be saying it in another twenty years.
-But what is 'close', or 'soon' anyway? I mean really?
If someone says they'll do something soon, would you then expect them to have done it by the end of the week, or within thirty years? How about 2000 years?
Is your friend effective, or a slacker?
Open mind
My wife and kids were pretty embarrassed to be handing out:
The reasoning behind such "pronouncements" on the Witnesses part has a lot to do with human psychology. Basically, they say this because they need to say it; saying such a thing fulfills a basic psychological need. Most people [both Witnesses and non-Witnesses] see a great need in preserving the integrity, the constancy, and the consistency of what they perceive as their "ego," their sense of self. To admit to themselves that the end is not near would be too much for them to endure. They have so much at stake in preserving this delusion. This delusion is very much who they are; it constitutes their identity. They are the select few, the elect, who will survive into the New System which, by necessity, is so near that its presence is palpable.
Open mind
Hey Min,
This week on the Service Meeting there was an article entitled "Are You Preparing Your Famly for Survival?" (or words to that effect)
It was very interesting to read through looking for any kind of statement that could be used against them in 20 years. It was full of weasel words and phrases but of course, nothing you could nail down in the future.
The end is "fast approaching" is the best one I can remember right now.
I pointed it out to my oldest daughter.
om: Does this statement make any sense to you?
Daughter: Glazed look.
om: Well, what impresssion does the phrase "fast approaching" give you?
Daughter: Well, I guess that it's going to happen real soon.
om: Right. Or maybe even that it's accelerating, like a train, right at us.
Daughter: Uh huh.
om: Now back off a second and pretend you're Jehovah. Let's say you've decided a long time ago that Armageddon is coming on October 1, 2020.
Daughter: Ok.
om: Now think about it. At what speed is the end "approaching"?
Daughter: Hmmmm.
om: For the last 2000 years and continuing on until 2020 it's the same speed. ONE.....DAY....AT.....A.....TIME. Whatever Armageddon might end up being, when it comes, it comes. But the WT has had people putting there lives on hold for over 130 years by saying it's "right around the corner".
She got it.
What else do they have the end has been close since the first Watchtower was printed in 1879 take away their "End is Close" and they might as well close up shop and get real lives...
They look so stupid.
Its like telling a 10 yr old, you'll be 50 sooner than you think.
No matter, we are talking about people who have a belief system built on numerology and astrology moreso than the actual Bible. -
My mom said it right up until her death..In the end,she was right..................
Good point. The beliefs are based upon numerology.