.... and why is Satan's throne said to be in Pergamon (Greek Acropolis), known for being the birthplace of 'democracy'?
Posts by Lieu
Do JWs believe Lucifer is Satan, the Devil?
by cameo-d indoes wt teach that these are all names for the same entity and that this entity is actually a fallen angel creature?.
please enlighten me.. thanks,.
Do JWs believe Lucifer is Satan, the Devil?
by cameo-d indoes wt teach that these are all names for the same entity and that this entity is actually a fallen angel creature?.
please enlighten me.. thanks,.
Yes ... and also smurfs.
Just don't ask any what is Azazel.
Ok have you ever been asked this question in regards to Isaiah 43:10 ?
by StoneWall inhow could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
From the AB (or Setuigent), the verse reads:
"Be My witnesses, and I too am a witness, says the Lord God, and My servant whom I have chosen; that you may know, and believe, and understand that I am He; before Me there was no other God, and after Me there shall be none."
The word "formed" is not inserted.
Book of Revelation--UNAUTHENTIC
by cameo-d ini ran across a blurb in wiki that stated that the book of revelation was long regarded as unauthentic and was not accepted until 1200 a.d.. has anyone explored this?.
your thoughts, please..
John I believe is the John related to Jesus (ie. Jesus and James literal brother). Since we are speaking about Jews and Jewish society, we should realize that since forever the sons were sent to school to learn to read and write. They are big on basic education.
They may have been fisherman, carpenters, and what not but they were not illiterate.
Are they really waiting for us to die?
by iknowall558 inthis is something i've thought about over and over in my mind.
anyone df or da are viewed by active jws as "dead when armageddon comes".
are they waiting for us to die?.
Sadly, they are waiting for everyone to die. It was some sort of sick joke my fellow pioneers (at the time) would laugh about constantly.
Kinda like modern day Jonah's swalled by the fish for their obstinance. They don't want world-wide repentance to God; they want death.
They don't have the mind of Christ or God for that matter. They wish everyone to die and no one to be saved (except themselves).
My son attacked by militant Vegans
by beksbks inlol, well, not exactly.
he's a butcher at an organic grocery store.
he was at a party the other night and a group of vegans told him to f*&k off!
I can imagine his concern at being yelled at by vampire looking vitamin deficient people. Their appearance is enough to scare anyone.
He should put garlic on his door posts.
Remember When They Used to Have Q&A After the Public Talk?
by daniel-p inyeah, that was before my time.
but i'm interested to hear from those who were around back in the day when they did this.
what were the questions like?
Yeah, that all stopped sometime in the early 80's.
Now that I am aware of the situation, I think most things stopped after the Franz "incident".
What Was YOUR Worst Quality As A JW?
by minimus infor me it had to be that i was trained to be judgmental.
i'm naturally a person who doesn't believe everything someone says---just because they say it's true.
still, a "good elder" is supposed to be watchful of what might "contaminate" the congregation.. so, it's time to bare your soul.
I refused to make fun of other people. General non-conformist type A.
I had my own thoughts which didn't coincide with "group think"; that seemed to piss people off.
I also like to ask questions 'cause I thought I was supposed to be learning stuff ... My bad.
Witnesses Who Were Hypocrites!
by minimus insome jws truly believe and live their faith.
but many witnesses lived double lives or spoke one way in front of the congregation but privately, they were just the opposite.. i knew an elder and his wife who owned a liquor/convenience store.
they sold tobacco and lottery tickets but claimed that the real owner of the business was the wife's "worldly" father, which was hogwash.. were there any real hypocrites that you knew about?.
Sooo many, tooo many.
The pretense is beyond reasonable. Its like having a zillion "iffy" baptist holier than thou preachers in one place. At least the baptist preachers will get up and ask the whole congregation for forgiveness when something happens, JWs will not and aren't allowed to.
Had an PO in a cong run pretty much by his family who used to get drunk and beat his daughter black and blue. His brother (also an elder) had sons who cursed like sailors and would start fights any time we all went to some amusement park. [They're either in Bethel now or MS]. Back at the hall, of course, they were the perfect picture of whatever. Had an entire BOE once get the boot because they were all "swingers" (wife swappers). Had a married MS that was a pedophile. Cheaters, scammers, and on and on.
The few decent people simply looked like deers caught by headlights.
Coffee drinkers, rejoice! Coffee is NOT bad for you!
by Elsewhere inhttp://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-coffee18-2009may18,0,7483815.column.
from the los angeles times.
read this over coffee.
Coffee is for me ...
Thanks to a cofee cup, I won't give coffee up.
Nothing natural is bad for you in moderation, its the additives that damage.