No. Hope4others makes good points about the pressures many families face, and then the keeping up meetings and field service. It can all get too much. You never feel good enough, always inferior. Even when you try to improve, its not enough. Go to therapy and you're told you shouldnt do it because you might be taught unscriptural and worldly thinking. Its like being caught between a rock and a hard place. What do you do?
Some in the congregation still believe that mental illness can be fixed by just witnessing more, studying more, and making sure you're at every meeting. No, it goes deeper than that.
Exactamundo. Anyone who has worked with large groups in say agencies or has supervised a large number of employees knows that continuously telling poeple under your care that enough is never enough, will drag them down.
Some seem not to understand, you can certainly depress the heck out of perfectly normal people. Just throw on an overbearing load of tasks, tell them they aren't ever good enough, advise them to do "more", policy: if a problem arises simply ignore it and busy yourself w/work, and lastly say there's a "real soon" timeframe to get the work done. You will crush their spirits ... easily.