That Christ came back "invisibly"....
The whole "love/brotherhood" thing.
The 144k and the other sheep insanity. How is one supposed to eat with he patriarchs in the Kingdom of Heaven if they're supposed to come back and live in LA?
the thought that a loving creator would violently destroy anyone not belonging to the jehovah's witness religion including billions of babies seemed just not right.. the fact that you could recieve some "acceptable" blood components but could not donate those same lifesaving yourself seemed strange.
you could recieve a blood fraction but you couldn't give it.. any others you can think of?
That Christ came back "invisibly"....
The whole "love/brotherhood" thing.
The 144k and the other sheep insanity. How is one supposed to eat with he patriarchs in the Kingdom of Heaven if they're supposed to come back and live in LA?
was watching abc world news and they showed the religions/denominations with most increase and those that are experiencing decreases.. the j.w.
's was number 1 on increase while most of the larger main stream churches where losing members.. they have already posted a link on the news website...will post it in just a few..
You know if I start a church with a membership of 10 and next year add 4 more peeps ; I'll have a 40% increase and then my group would be the fastest growing.
i have been lurking on this site and others for a couple of years now, and i feel it is time to step out and say "hello!
" when i first began investigating my beliefs, it was innocent enough.
i had been reading an article on scientology, thinking; "wow, these people are just plain nuts!!!
Hi there and welcome!
I won't give you any advice, because frankly, I don't believe there is any to give. Each situation is different and some are worse than others. Your wife, just as we were, is like a junkie. No amount of hinting, nudging etc. will change her mind. Like a junkie, something has to click within her in order for her to reflect on her position. If she's not ready for that yet, you won't be able to make her be ready ... push too hard or too soon, she'll hit the pipe harder. The KH & JW is her 'comfort' her 'be all-end all'.
Its soooo like being a drug addict. One will get help only when one is ready.
You keep on doing what you are doing. Read, check into things, etc.
i wonder if anyone actually enjoys them.
i have heard scattered reports about how a few actually enjoyed at least a few of the older songs (back when there were 225 of them).
but i have heard nothing but reports of the new songs being impossible to properly sing, very poorly written or performed, or downright blasphemous and promoting blatant idolatry.
Thel music has no "religious" feel to it, so I'm not certain why they keep using such boring and uninspiring emotionless tunes which due nothing but prepare one for boring uninspiring emotionless lectures.
people, please don't be angry at me, but do you sometimes ask yourselves this question?
i do..
Um, no.
a few years back, before i had any doubts and when i was a hardcore jw, i remember a super-pioneer-jw sister was conversing with me.
i made the comment about some of my friends at work (all non-witnesses).
she stops me mid sentence and says "friends?
Yet, the experience of others proves
And just who are these "others" and exactly what are their "experiences" that "prove" something?
Those articles remind me of the Pharasies having a fit over Jesus hanging out with that sinfully wild-n-crazy tax collector. For shame!
sink hole in guatemala city caused by the tropical storm.
i seen a view from the top and you couldn't see the bottom.
The alienz did it, like they do everything else that makes you go hmmm.
the gb is closing down and selling all central american branches.
the congregations are to be serviced out of the mexican branch.. they end the letter by saying that aren't the congregations in the.
central american territory to be expecting great rejoicing since they'll.
Why pick Mexico over highly stable Panama & Costa Rica? Neither of these two have militaries (=no coups), neither gets hit due to location by hurricanes or tsunamis, both are first world, highly educated, and friendly. The latter are actually in Central America, Mexico is not.
Interesting. Not a very wise decision me thinks .... but maybe they're going for the easy bribes ... maybe they're branching out into narcotics or something.
if god is like a loving father why did he set up a way for adam and eve to possibly fail by putting the "magic tree" in the garden?
if my dad sabotaged his kids this way or felt the need to test our love him he'd be considered an abusive father.. when god put an angel with a spinning sword in front of the entrance to the garden why didn't a&e walk a few miles down from there and climb over the wall ?
was there a wall ?.
As a kid:
I wondered why I couldn't do anything fun.
I wondered why those of little means were treated as second class to those of better means.
I wondered why no one seemed to like mentioning Jesus.
I wondered why my dad was supposed to die in the big A since he's a pretty cool guy.
All sorts of stuff.
im not sure i understand why we do this.
i met r.franz after i left jws and meeting him was a nice experience.
it was a kind of turning point in my life and i guess his books helped put the final nail in the coffin of my departure from jws.
I recall some praying for God to forgive those killing them & praying to be able to endure whatever type of persecution.
I don't recall anyone in the Bible praying for anyone else about to die. I think that may be a spin off of the ancient Egyptians & Greeks.