No worries Caleb. I'm not offended. I don't mind being right, wrong, or in between.
Paul, et al. He may have been a Roman citizen but Rome was new in the region as far as Empires go. Greek was still the "international" language as well as its customs. So the 1st Century Christians were living in a heavily Hellenistic Greek society, not a Roman one, not yet.[ One reason the NT is written in Greek and not Latin. Also recall all the references to the Hebrew speaking Jews & Greek speaking Jews, etc.]
So whenever I read something he's saying. I keep in mind he's speaking to people heavily influenced by Hellenistic mindsets and practiced.
Women? Well women are at times at the level of worship & their advice is greatly sought after. Some hold an enormous amount of wealth. Open forums where someone speaks can get quite rowdy with everyone yelling out questions and such.
Actually, scholars debate whether Paul even wrote Timothy. Paul's writings have too many say hello to a female & thank her for her work. Plus Jesus behaved in a different manner towards women.
Sexual issues? Well, he's talking to people who live in the land of the orgy. A social norm. Pedophilia, beastiality, etc.
Debating teachings? Greeks were famous for mindless debating & debating just for the sake of debating (no purpose).