2. Well he doesn't know when the big A is coming but the GB have claimed at times they do.
3. Allegedly 100 yrs into the 1000 yr reign and no seasons of refreshing yet.
4. Maybe the GB think he's eating and drinking anew with the Apostles while life still sucks for a lot of humanity in the Kingdom.
5. Too many parables about forgiving wayward people out having sexytime. Doesn't jive with their teachings.
6. Too much about really doing charitable works. Paying out of pocket for injured strangers and feeding people listening to long talks. Giving up your clothes to someone in need. Rubbish! A magazine will suffice.
7. There's talk of doom and gloom, but not enough. All that love and forgiveness keeps getting in the way. He simply doesn't throw enough rocks.
8. That whole humility thing of washing feet, not lording over each other, or that insane women getting the straight 'dope' first while men get parables first thing. .. Preposterous!
9. Unburdensome yokes, light loads? No way ... need more rules and for every little thing.
10. Jesus was too nice. Forgiving Peter for denying being a friend. Pffft!
They remind me of the evil servants that kill the Kings son thinking they'll get his inheritance. Too much talk of following Christ and you're bound to notice that whole beating his sheep thing.
Paul they follow. A mass murdering "convert" that stays single and reproaches people for transgressions far far less than his own. Doom and gloom. Kinda like a former smoker ... highly annoying.