My reply: I've lost my interest in trying to help this wicked system of things. Let the massacre begin!
That's usually the point where the busy body quick steps away.
some cong-member asked my wife this question (in the street, stopping her on her bicycle) in a rather police-like fashion.
i wasn't there so i don't know her immediate reaction and response, but she got very upset afterwards and one day later this still occupies her mind.
i believe it's an emotional mix of anger, sadness, shame and guilt.. she doesn't like this intrusion in her privacy from some jws and on the next occasion she will try to make this person respect her boundaries (or just ignore her).
My reply: I've lost my interest in trying to help this wicked system of things. Let the massacre begin!
That's usually the point where the busy body quick steps away.
naturally leads to the question of god.
why does man need god?
why does man create god?
Man and woman?
Well one is a male and the other is a feminine male (ie. female)
Man, wo-"man"
Being a slave of Christ is no big deal. He doesn't have a bunch of stupid rules. Hes kinda kewl, imo. You can pretty much do as you please, he's invisible and doesn't bother you. Only asks that you love and do good to others.
It's men that are the problem. Too many use religion to make you a slave to them.
today's wt has the below scripture as it's theme.
friday of the rc has the same as it's theme.
the silver nwt is alone in using the word loyalty in this verse.
Data Dog, lol, that's the first thing I did. Look it up in Strongs. Then I checked my copy of the Tanakh.
The GB knows your everyday JW won't check anything. They also know JWS aren't bright enough to know they aren't under the Mosaic Law.
today's wt has the below scripture as it's theme.
friday of the rc has the same as it's theme.
the silver nwt is alone in using the word loyalty in this verse.
Bible Hubs translation is incorrect.
Those letters are "chsd" not "ese". The word is kindness, not loyalty.
I only took one semester of Ulpan at the Hebrew University and know that's not even close to the correct letters, let alone correct word.
They could simply ask a Hassid rabbi, they're all over NYC. They'd be happy to share the scroll and discuss the meaning and put some knowledge out there.
today's wt has the below scripture as it's theme.
friday of the rc has the same as it's theme.
the silver nwt is alone in using the word loyalty in this verse.
First they'd have to say out loud that Jesus is Lord .... remember him? Doesn't get much mention in the Hall.
You'd probably get some serious " stink eye" for saying Jesus is Lord and Savior out loud at a meeting. A weird bunch they are,
from paragraph 17-. at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.. i think i know what the instructions will's nothing new.
Become slaves of men!!! We bring you other sheep a new gospel and don't question your overlords about it. We have long gone past the teachings of Christ; that softy. We know what's going to happen in the immediate future. We have warned about it before.
Obey us! We now sit on a throne at the left hand of God as his Word. Christ invisibly rules. Obey us!!!!
We have your ticket to salvation ... it only costs some of your $$$$ and all of your time. We sit as kings and priests over you NOW. Pay tribute to your overlords. Obey us!!!
i know there's a lot of threads out there like this but i am currently trying to build my music library so far i have a pretty good list of songs that i can listen all the way thru but i only have like 60 songs.
so i want to see other peoples songs that they could listen to over and over without getting tired of them.
i want to see if there are any songs that other people really like that i might want to add on to my list.
the bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Well, everyone knows where Abraham is buried, they could run some tests.
I wouldn't base too much on bronze age Europeans, maybe Romans, simply because their cities, eating habits, and sanitary conditions were filthy.
since i woke up one year ago , i've been doing a somewhat controlled fade , the experience i've had has been a very solitary one , i don't mean by not seeing anyone i know because i know hundreds in several congregations and i was an elder .
but just coming to terms with the fact that this was no longer the solution to life's problems, that i'd wasted so much time, that as i sat in the kh and heard everyone comment, my heart was no longer in it , i no longer fitted in ..... i felt that they were in the congregation all under the spell or some form of hypnosis from the wtbts,.
it was like for the first time in my experience at the kh , that i was the only one to see what was actually going on , the indoctrination, the guilt tripping, i could see it all as clear as day , and yet i had as it where a metal gag over my mouth, i couldn't speak to anyone about it for fear of them turning me into the spiritual police.
We have to realize something, all these people 'in charge' are only there to teach you about God's Kingdom. Let us know about its blessings. They aren't there for anything else. They aren't there to police anyone, have authority over anyone, or make rules.
They aren't rulers of anyone or anything. They aren't prophets and they can't perform one single miracle, they can't pardon sin nor grant life.
Don't be afraid of them.