Actually the original date was 1874. When nothing happened, recalculate to 1878 nope nothing again, then 1914 oops nope!
These dates were for the rapture, not for any enthronement.
Pretty much you had Christians calling Christ a liar when he said no one knows the date .... 'cause Russell, Barbour, Rutherford, etc all said they did.
Now what to do? Restate and say Christ was invisibly enthroned in 1914; which of course is also unscriptual.
They couldn't stop there at making stuff up. Rutherford goes on to shut the gates of heaven himself in what was it 1935?
It was like crack for them, dates, dates, and more dates. Lies, lies, and more lies. Now it's a monster that they can't take back.
The disgusting thing is that people back then still respected the Bible and those guys made one hell of a snare and racket out of it. But not just them, others also.
Anyhow, it all actually started in 1912 with the Balkan Wars. The Bosnians (using Serb supplied weapons) simply waited until an Austro-Hungarian Royal came into the Balkan to pop him; which happened in 1914.