They're Millerites. Prophecy nuts. Consumed with doom and gloom for their own selfish purposes. Like Jonah, and unlike Abraham God's friend, JWs are elated to go give a death message to the inhabitants of modern Ninevah....and would be pissed if people didn't get killed for repenting. Abraham, on the other hand, would be bargaining for lives to the end as he did in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah.
JWs whole premise for existance as God's channel is their being "in the know" of when Christ returned (um, invisibly)....and that 1914 date wasn't even the one,of the many, chosen by the originators of the religion.
What amazes me is that every Biblical writer (AD) said no one knows when Christ's return would be, not even Christ.....but nooooooo! Millerites and their spawn offspring JWs HAVE to keep trying to say and guess exactly when it will be in defiance to God.
Its like Adam and Eve .... God can't have his own tree .... Adam and Eve stole from God when they ate from His tree.
With JWs he can't have his own "appointed time" ...JWs are obsessed with trying to steal the date from God.
Begin rant...
The reason you see no signs of Christianity (love, inner happiness, Good Samaritan behavior, bible wisdom) in JWism is because their leaders are all up on a tree they don't belong on, like a certain snake. Its not about the happy message Christ or the Apostles preached. JWs are obsessed with dates and the big A, not the Bible's message of love. They're focused on the negative not the positive.
Hypocrites! Sons of vipers! Making God's word meaningless with all their stupid rman made rules. God's word the Bible; who needs that thing anyway? We don't need a Bible, we have something better than God's word. We have the Watchtower rag coming from imperfect men who claim not to be prophets although appointed but not....'cause the Bible is not good enough for us by itself.
I feel much better now. End rant.