They're telling people not to do it without telling people not to do it .... classic!
Posts by Lieu
New Light: Don't hold hands during prayers
by RR infrom the watchtower november 15 study edition.. 19 when we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of god.
" (1 pet 2:17) there may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a christian meeting.
(eccl 3:1) for instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during prayer.
Young JW sisters in a hurry
by asilentone indid you notice any young jw sisters in the past that did rush to get married too young and to have a baby right away before the end comes?
did you hear any stories of regret?
i was wondering if the watchtower is to blame for?.
Yep, seen plenty and those 'sex' marraiges last about 2 yrs tops, with a few exceptions.
How Are JW's Sins Forgiven?
by Perry inmatthew 9:6 but that ye may know that the son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.. .
john 1:12 but as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of god, even to them that believe on his name:.
why did we beg for jehovah's forgiveness at every prayer when clearly the son has this authority?.
The same way all those claiming to be Christians are ... you find out after you die at the Judgment if what you did has been forgiven.
If one can't raise the dead, one can't forgive sins.
Can Someone Please Explain....
by Cold Steel ini'm not a jehovah's witness, nor have i ever been one.
(neither have i played one on tv.
) but i have relatives who joined back in the late 60s, and we've heard precious little from them since.. i've read many jw publications, talked to their missionaries and am at a loss.
Rutherford claimed he had a dream to call his new group Jehovah's Witnesses (never said God spoke to him though) ... thing is, Rutherford was a known drunk.
There's no real proof. The dates just make me believe they were practicing astrology and numerology to base their conclusions on.
How high have you been?
by wouldacouldashoulda ini pop into jwd/jwn almost everyday.
some posters name i recognise.
some posters i admire and cannot wait to read their comments.
Someone got high off a giant Shitake? ... or is that some type of Oyster mushroom?
has your life been "blessed" since leaving?
by tigeress inwhile in the org we are constantly told that if we just tow the line and behave that will we be blessed and everything we want will come to us.
personaly i havn't found that to be the case in the 30 years i spent trying to tow the line.. but now i've left wonderfull things are starting to happen in my life and i'm so very happy!.
so i wondered, have you encountered more "blessings" or less since leaving?.
Real people and real friends who don't run behind your back gossiping or telling your every faux pas. The freedom to chose who I like and do not like.
Being able to help anyone I so choose without others questioning it has led to feeling better as a person at an inmeasurable magnitutde.
The self righteous can immediatly be denounced and avoided. No need for forced association or their being held up as an example to deal with.
No wearing clothes unfit for the weather. No stress about superficial things.
Last but not least, I have a choice whether to believe in God or not, and how ... that's the real blessing.
Freedom to chose what type of person to be is a blessing.
Our "Bible Study" with the Jehovah's Witnesses
by garyneal inmy wife and i had a "bible study" with an elder and his wife yesterday (9-11-09) and the topic was marraige.
the book we covered was "keeping yourself in god's love.
" this particular "bible study" was based primarily on the topic we covered in the book and, of course, there was a lot of "hop scotching" of the bible.
Don't do it .... RUN!!!!!
To be a Christian, one does not have to belong to any particular denomination.
What denomination was Jesus? He didn't have one, and neither did his disciples, contrary to popular belief. Christianity is a way of life, notedly by doing good things toward your fellow man/woman, from your heart ... and accepting Christ as your salvation to the glory of God.
It isn't a brand. [No middle-men need apply.]
Where will you go ...whom will you trust ??
by caliber injust give your personal thoughts and view.... what are your coping skills....the epitome of your personal motivation in life ??.
long term goals... or short term" one day at time "(for example ).
I'll pick God & his son. Everyone else is simply in the way.
Don't need to "go" anywhere for that one. Plus it's pretty hard to leave the planet unless one is an astronaught.
No need to see a particular group to know what "God wants". Its written down for goodness sakes!
[Heck! Those were Apostles who made the statement and they weren't looking for anyone to come to THEM.]
I wonder if the BORG is doing that bad financially???
by cognac ini mean, they had four new books released at the last dc... if they were doing that bad, would they have that many new releases???
Additionally, why are the R\F baseically "renting" assembly facilities their money has already paid for?
For the same reason a Congo must get a "loan" from the org. to build a new KH, due to overcrowding ... when in fact, its the R/F's money in the first place. Last time I checked it was as supposed non-profit. Yet members have to get a loan from the org. to build more stuff which belongs to the org.
A thought about corporate reoganization
by JeffT init seems there have been a number of changes in the wtbs corporations over the last few years, as well as changes in meetings etc.
maybe somebody has already thought of this and i missed it.
this thought was sparked by the thread about them going after another website quoting their material.. i think the watchtower is about to divide its religious and secular functions completely.
There's already a President [Adams?]of something (and one can buy stock) while the GB has nothing to do with that side of the Org.