Did you notice any young JW sisters in the past that did rush to get married too young and to have a baby right away before the end comes? Did you hear any stories of regret? I was wondering if the Watchtower is to blame for?
Young JW sisters in a hurry
by asilentone 26 Replies latest jw experiences
What I observed was many young couples marry at far too early an age simply because of the pressure on them to conform (you are dating so you should be engaged/marry) and because the only route to sex was marriage - nearly all failed as sex not the only key to a happy marriage.
I agree with core.
many rush to marriage (rightly so, because JW males are picky and any JW female over 26 has a hard time getting married). anyway their failure rate is high
at least non-jws test out relationships, jws have the elders impose the 6 month rush
Regardless of age, I have seen one "brother" that was nothing more than a tyrant within the marriages. I have seen this attitude out of him within a few months of marrying--and wants everything the wife does to be what he tells her to. He makes all the decisions without looking at the needs of the family--they are going to regular pio-sneer, no matter what. He is also famous for dropping his wife off at work, out of field circus, about 10 minutes late.
Now, if they had a chance to try it out, she would have seen this in him soon in. At which point, it would have been broken off without further ado. Everyone would have come out ahead, and there would have been two less children that would have been punished capriciously and forced to pio-sneer.
Yep, seen plenty and those 'sex' marraiges last about 2 yrs tops, with a few exceptions.
When I moved to the 'rural' KH I was told and watched them teach their children that females were useless and only good for marrying off as soon as possible after graduation....... felt like I was living in China!
Oddly enough my birth KH told me that girls were suppose to go to Bethel for 4 years and then marry a spiritual brother or remain at Bethel, unmarried until the Armageddon had passed.
Having been a jw female from 3 onward, I saw how few single jw males were available. There is a window of opportunity because the older you get the less a choice you have. Also, parents tend to push girls into marriage to keep the "safe" from fornication not realizing that even the WTS says that jws are more likely to be df'd for adultery than fornication, so the lack of sexual opportunities is not the problem. Over 50% of my generation who dated and married before 1975, are now divorced.
Some of the older ones are in a hurry, too.
One couple I knew of in their 50's. He was a recent widower, she was a divorcee.
He was marrying for sex, she was marrying for money.
Neither one got what they wanted.
They divorced less than 2 years later and now niether one can get married again.
The GB made a deal with the devil.
They know that because of the ban on premarital sex, that they would be disfellowshipping a ton of people if they didn't allow teens to get married.
If that "out" didn't exist, people would explode. While they aren't wild about it, the GB gives obvious approval by using these married teens as pioneers and ministerial servants as the need may be.
I had no idea that you could wait to get married till your 20's and 30's even. I rarely saw it.
In the congregation, if you are a sister in your mid 20's and not married, you are gossiped about. Something is wrong with you, no matter how many WT articles and CO visits say otherwise.
If you are a single brother in your mid 20's and are single, well, gay or not, thats the whispers.
Whether the GB realizes it or not, they force most people to get married in their teens or early 20's. Those that do usually get married so they have sex. Sadly...
"If you are a single brother in your mid 20's and are single, well, gay or not, thats the whispers."
This is so true!! It was one of the things that made my boyfriend leave the Org. When he was in his mid-20's to 30 years old, people speculated that maybe he wasn't getting married cus he was gay........OMG. What other reason could there be????
He is sooooo NOT gay.