Brokethechains, welcome.
Interesting read about Losch. To be expected actually. No concern for the time, effort, or money spent to host him in a home or fix a meal for his benefit. Kept men are use to dismissing the efforts of those considered lessers.
'Not his job to worry about those needs', eh? Well, that too is to be expected. The locals know his name, he doesn't care to know theirs. Just kinda stepped to the other side of the road leaving the locals to bleed out.
Only a true servant called by the Spirit would give a rats ass about the flock entrusted to him. A true servant would know unequivocally that IT IS his JOB to help care for the needs of his brothers.
Some of these men are absolute black hearts. Wait on Jehovah, yes? That's what I say every time they ask for money.