Nope. One cannot make sense of the nonsensical. The JW GB knows the stuff makes no sense ergo "Obey us even if it doesn't make sense ... ... ... from a human standpoint".
Lol! Even that made no sense. Is there some other standpoint? Fish maybe?
as a child growing up, i would see different arguments to defend a certain belief.
it may have required mental gymnastics in order to make a point but there was an actual attempt to explain, teach, and educate....even if the belief or teaching was bogus.. nowadays, it appears that jws couldn’t explain any belief.
they are drones and do as “mother “ has directed..
Nope. One cannot make sense of the nonsensical. The JW GB knows the stuff makes no sense ergo "Obey us even if it doesn't make sense ... ... ... from a human standpoint".
Lol! Even that made no sense. Is there some other standpoint? Fish maybe?
one poster here mentioned how, after he was appointed as an elder, things took on a more "corporate" feel.
i was an ms and as such went, dutifully, to the bi-annual meetings with the co. i was sorely disappointed.
i had imagined sort of a round-table discussion of trends and potential difficulties in the congregation, along with a coordinated effort to help people out.
Nothing happened. When positions open up to you, you begin to see how things really are. [The higher up the corporate ladder you go, the more you know.]
It's a business operating under the guise of religion for the purpose of a free labor force and tax exemption. It has been that way since Rutherford.
The WT isn't in the business of making disciples/students of Christ. WT isn't in the business of providing comfort, assistance, clothing, food, or even peace of mind, etc.
It was set up to promote its Armageddon predictions through print media; its product. So, everything is set up for that purpose; the product.
When you go to those anual meetings, get ready for talking about business policies, buildings, accounting, costs, and movement/display of the product.
i was asked last sunday, after a meeting that i attended with my wife, by a good friend if i believed that these were indeed the "last days".
what prompted his question was the public talk given by a young man that i have known since he was 7 years old and is now an elder at 30.. the talk made mention several times that we are 'definitely' living in the "last days".
i assume that the expression "last days" was prominent in the outline.. i hope that he way i answered my friend's question jump started his thinking.
People in Pompeii lived in the "last days".
People in 69 AD Jerusalem lived in the "last days"
An extinct Americas tribe lived in the "last days"
But JWs? Nah, they don't live their lives any day. 😆
Besides, in the Bible Peter says the Apostles et al were living in the "last days" (See Acts 2) & applied the prophesies to their days. 'Cause, well, he knew Jesus was referring to the oncoming destruction of Jerusalem. That was just, well, ugly according to Josephus account. Lots of birds and eyeballs.
JWs missed it, it seems.
"jehovah takes the initiative to bless his loyal servants.".
this statement is a contradiction or on oxymoron or something.... if they already had to demonstrate loyalty before he acted then he did not take the initiative!.
our faith is not complete unless we are convinced that jehovah will reward....yes faith involves the certain expectation of gods promised blessings.. so they condemn people for "serving to a date", the carrot if you like, and being disappointed when there blessings do not materialise at the promised time... yet say that the carrot is an important part of faith!!!.
Interesting since that verse has nothing to do with faith. They left something out ...
Malachi 3:9-11 NIV
You are under a curse---your whole nation---because you are robbing me.
[11] I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe, ” says the Lord Almighty.
Seems to have to do with required grain offerings per Mosaic Law and such for the Temple; which they weren't doing.
You don't need faith to follow the law.
here's a few little gems from the latest watchtower.. 5 many today think that to be truly free, they must be able to do anything and everything they want to do, regardless of the consequences.. this statement is just ridiculous, any normal functioning individual understands the necessity for restrictions, for their own protection and justice as well as for others.
it's a very childish statement with no substantiation and written only to create a perception in jw minds of how worldly people are selfish to the point of being reckless and unrestrained.
they liken adam and eve's sinning which resulted in disaster as being like a pilot not following their designated flight path and make this commenthowever, if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired, the result could be disastrous.. this is a very bad analogy because when adam and eve sinned, they had already been forewarned of their disaster to follow.
There was some sort of prophesy about Timothy making him a bad comparison for general use. He wasn't the norm. Frankly we don't even know what he actually did besides travel with Paul. Considering that he traveled around as an assistant , he could not have been a teen. He was likely somewhere between 20-30. It says Timothy was young, it doesn't say he was a boy (under 20). By the time Timothy was sent to Ephesus, he was over 30. Timothy didn't feel inadequate, he was afraid. They were hunting and killing Christians.
As for freedom, the WT does its best to demean the word and concept because it wants people to be its slave. Freedom-bad, Slavery-good.
as all witnesses know, the opening gambit of the great tribulation will occur when the united nations turns on organized religion to devastate them and leave them naked of people and resources.
however, as jehovah's judgement day has been spoken of as being "imminent", the question that can be fairly asked ... 'is the united nations organization actually in a position to act as god's destroyer of false religion?
while i have no doubt that most within that organization had in the past tried to make the lives of the desperate better, the united nations has unfortunately now become a weak and underfunded political eunuch.
Do UN troops fight or something? Last I recalled UN troops don't engage in combat.
They'd (WTBTS) probably like to change that to NATO but too late, caught wrong in 'predictions' again.
i was pondering about how parasitic watch tower was and looked it up on wiki:.
interestingly, watch tower is not parasitic, as a parasite does not destroy its host - the host sustains the parasite.. instead watch tower is a parasitoid, which "unlike a true parasite, however, it ultimately sterilizes or kills, and sometimes consumes, the host.".
A parasite purposely sucks the life out of its host. JWS don't live, they exist. WTBTS sucks the life out of its adherents: They look towards a future life they can't even be sure they'll be good enough to obtain. Meanwhile, they do absolutely nothing with this life to show they "love their neighbors as themselves". On the contrary, they abhor their neighbors .... just waiting around for them to die.
i was pondering about how parasitic watch tower was and looked it up on wiki:.
interestingly, watch tower is not parasitic, as a parasite does not destroy its host - the host sustains the parasite.. instead watch tower is a parasitoid, which "unlike a true parasite, however, it ultimately sterilizes or kills, and sometimes consumes, the host.".
Do you know the definition of a parasite?
Not the faux Awake learnin' but the real dictionary term.
has anyone seen this?
when did that happen?.
Haven't seen it, I don't do punch cards. Volunteers don't "report", employees do. People who write things are publishers. People who peddling things written by others are simply distributers.
Lies, dayum lies, and statistics. Satan. GOD doesn't need reports, men do.
rate it from 1 to 10. thanks!
People are tired at those meetings and not really paying attention ... that's why everyone isn't supposed to be a speaker / teacher because they aren't any good at it, no matter how hard they may work at it. They're like bad story tellers that even small children would get disgusted with. Horrific, l deem them the daydream encouragers.
I've only heard maybe 5 speakers in 30 yrs who had the "gift of gab" so to speak. The rare quality in a JW to be able to talk to you (not at you) and make the subject matter interesting. I deem them, the conversationalists.
There's no Bible discussion at any meeting, simply prepared lectures. BORING!
Rating: 2