Posts by Joepublisher1

  • OnTheWayOut

    Does WT do this on purpose or are they just out of ideas? 2012 Special Talk

    by OnTheWayOut in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    the 2012 special talk is "is it later than you think?".

    the outline can be found at this thread:

    at that above link, you can also see the october 8, 1968 awake cover that uses that exact same title.

    1. tiki
    2. Gayle
    3. frankiespeakin
  • Joepublisher1

    I posted this on the YouTube video exposing the 2012 Special Talk entitled: "Is it Later than You Think?".

    I believe this two-part question cannot be answered honestly by a Jehovah's Witness:

    "Can any JW promise me that the WTS leaders will NEVER change their teaching on the? generation [again]? If you can't promise me, then why should I accept their current teaching (of "the generation") as coming from God's Holy Spirit?

    [Please no song-and-dance replies, please provide a direct answer to these fair and reasonable questions.]"

  • OnTheWayOut

    Does WT do this on purpose or are they just out of ideas? 2012 Special Talk

    by OnTheWayOut in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    the 2012 special talk is "is it later than you think?".

    the outline can be found at this thread:

    at that above link, you can also see the october 8, 1968 awake cover that uses that exact same title.

    1. tiki
    2. Gayle
    3. frankiespeakin
  • Joepublisher1

    00DAD said above, "When I became a JW I learned more about Catholics and their beliefs than when I went to a Catholic high school. Now I'm learning more about JWs and what they believe here on JWN. What a weird world!!"

    I couldn't agree more! I could say the exact same think. Of course, this should provide a lesson for all! You'll NEVER learn the REAL truth of your own religion from the "insiders"! You HAVE to look outside your religious circle to see what the critics are saying about your religion and then research it to see if what they are saying is based on facts!

  • pharmer

    Did the Watchtower just admit to MIND-CONTROL?

    by pharmer in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    consider some of the other twisted things used to mislead gods people today.

    on occasion opposers will question the various teachings that jehovahs people hold in common.

    often this becomes a debate about words, just as it was in the first century.

    1. punkofnice
    2. Joepublisher1
    3. Mad Sweeney
  • Joepublisher1

    Oh, yes. I recall Watchtower study articles like this. I was a zealous newbie, starting in 1980. Many of those early 1980's articles dealt with the "great apostasy" that Randy Watters has written extensively on [from his vantage point in Bethel]. Our congregation had some VERY strong families (pios., elders, bethelites, etc.) in our New England congregation that were greatly effected by this and left the so-called "truth". I remember how Ray Franz was demonized! At the time, I thought he was Fred Franz's brother - which totally blew my mind. I couldn't understand why he left "the truth". (Most JWs didn't [and don't] know the names of the Governing Body.)

    I remember the D.C.'s [in the early 80s] in Providence RI highlighting how these apostates went back to believing in The Trinity and such. Of course, like this Watchtower article, it was emphasized how reading the Bible alone is not sufficient. I remember thinking how odd that sounds, but my brainwashed mind accepted that we needed the faithful and discreet slave class to explain things. As a matter of fact, perhaps many of you remember how talks at the D.C. said we would never understand truths [such as Russel putting the hose on hellfire] had it not been for the faithful and discreet slave.

    I was proud that I wouldn't read or listen to any of the non-sense from apostates. I remember being visited by an old-time friend - who heard I became a JW. Apparently, he wanted to see with his eyes that this was true. Later, he sent me a letter revealing many things that I NEVER heard about JWs [like miracle wheat, Beth-Sarim, etc.]. I blocked it all as total non-sense, ripped the letter up and threw it away!

    My "thinking mind" always thought it was odd that the WTS leaders put more emphasis on the authority of the WTS literature OVER the Bible, but I accepted the Faithful and Discreet slave teaching. Of course, Don Cameron's book, Captive of a Concept, deals nicely with that erroneous concept!

    What's so interesting is that looking back on these printed statements, it becomes perfectly clear that the WTS leaders were in such a fire-fighting mode against the apostates, that they didn't realize how very revealing their comments would be years [/decades] later.

    As always, the WTS has burnt itself so many times by "printing" statements that cannot be erased. Of course, faithful JW's will do some dancing about what the WTS article meant, but it's quite clear what the WTS was saying back then [and today as well]! The WTS leaders do NOT want JWs to think ON THEIR OWN! JW's minds must be directed by the WTS leaders IF they are to be acceptable to Jehovah, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE MORE MISTAKES IN THEIR RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE THEN YOU CAN COUNT. And, Fred Franz's COC book reveals the shocking inner-workings of the Governing Body, something most JWs don't understand. (i.e. Voting for the accepted interpretation of scripture?!?! - what happened to the Holy Spirit's direction??? Putting JW's own dogma above the Bible, etc.)

    I just don't understand how the Governing Body can live with their own conscience - they must be in serious denial about the tarnished history of their teachings. Of course, they can't say anything, or else they'll find themselves on the street with little-to-no opportunity to survive financially!

    Many, many JWs have observed a lack of zeal in their congregations and many of them are reading things about JWs on the internet. So many put on a front [to fellow JWs], but are totally dis-illusioned about the religion that they "thought" was "the truth". The real truth about JWs can hurt and cause pain for so many one-time very faithful JWs. The leaders need to get real and admit that they are NOT who they say they are and allow their member to move on with their lives, instead of being held in limbo by constantly holding a carrot [paradise] in front of their face. It's just plain wrong and worse, it's cruel!

  • Balaamsass

    Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)

    by Balaamsass in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    ok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!

    inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.

    to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.

    1. Balaamsass2
    2. Balaamsass2
    3. OrphanCrow
  • Joepublisher1

    I think what is often forgotten is that JWs are constantly reminded that this is God's organization! So, you expect much from the so-called House of God (Bethel). Also, when someone is studying with JWs and making progress (to the point of baptism) they are pumped - by the so-called friends -with all these wonderful stories of how wonderful Jehovah's Witnesses are and how demonized everyone else is. (I mean, Jehovah's Witnesses and this religion is elevated to a very high pedestal!) It is no surprise that when reality hits, it can be difficult for many JWs to appreciate the chasm between what they were taught [in the beginning] and the true realities of this religion! While they hang on to the teaching that man is imperfect and so are all JWs, many eventually learn that this excuse could be used by ALL religions! Thus, the religion of JWs - in so many ways - is just like every other religion. A hoax! Just another man-made religion "claiming" to be something it is NOT.

  • minimus

    More Young People Are Leaving The Organization!

    by minimus in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i've heard that another 2 people have left the "truth" as soon as they could get out.

    both girls were elder's daughters.

    they aren't elders now because they were somewhat problem teens.

    1. hamsterbait
    2. hellenback
    3. Pams girl
  • Joepublisher1

    Indeed. Young people are very saavy internet users. From their own experience, they know something isn't right with the religion. Couple that gut feeling with the information and facts available on the internet, and it won't be long before more young people LEAVE this religion. All I can say to them is, GOOD FOR YOU! Don't waste your youth and time on this religion and please prepare for your future like you're going to be here for a long time!

  • ilikecheese

    Which Beliefs and Doctrines Helped Push You Out?

    by ilikecheese in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    okay, so this is my first post, but i've been lurking here for months and months.

    i have to say this is a very informative and hilarious site.

    you guys are great to read!

    1. Flat_Accent
    2. lilbluekitty
    3. cofty
  • Joepublisher1

    The change to the generation teaching in 1995 did it for me, only it took years later for me to see that this religion is a sham. If you were a witness for any length of time BEFORE this change, you would have never believed that this doctrine was going to change (i.e. the generation of 1914 would not pass off the earthly seen before the end comes). When they went on to change it again and again after the 1995 change, I already faded, but I still couldn't believe that they would proceed to change the generation teaching twice after 1995! This proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God's Holy Spirit was directing them - after all, the Holy Spirit cannot be wrong about doctrine and Bible understanding.

    I'm also interested to see that there have been many exJWs who were VERY bothered by that 1995 change, as evidenced by the posts to this topic. Indeed, we were taught (as printed every two weeks in the Awake) that this was "God's promise". Well, now I know that this organization is run simply by man. Not only are they imperfect, the leaders are dilusional to think that God is using ONLY THEM! What a bunch of crap. At the time (1995), there was no easy way to see what our JW peers were really thinking about this change - with the internet, any JW can now see what their peers are thinking about many controversial JW subjects and it can be done anonymously!

    Lastly, I would not have anything to do with this JW person. Even if he remains a JW and he's okay with you not being one, there will be problems in the future - the "religion" of JWs will see to that. Like they say, there are many fish in the sea, stop fishing in the sea of this religion. Also, if you are thinking of learning more about this religion, don't be fooled into thinking that you should ONLY read WTS publications. You should also research as much as possible from critical sources, as it seems you are already doing. Good for you!

    I personally believe the 1995 change effected many one-time very loyal JWs. Of course, once the child molestation mis-handling/cover-up and UN NGO membership/involvement broke, these issues added weight to JW's decisions to fade or outright leave this man-made religion! So many one-time very loyal JWs could now see that this religion is NOT who they say they are!