Does WT do this on purpose or are they just out of ideas? 2012 Special Talk

by OnTheWayOut 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    The 2012 Special Talk is "IS IT LATER THAN YOU THINK?"

    The outline can be found at this thread:

    At that above link, you can also see the October 8, 1968 Awake cover that uses that exact same title.

    So the question I ask is this: Does WT use such a title that reminds people about their epic failure leading up to 1975 on purpose? Or are they just out of ideas and all they can do is cut and paste?

    This title has already led to youtube posts about comparing the 1968 statements to current ones:

    I mean, they had to know that "apostates" would have a field day with that title. Are they perhaps hoping to show members that "we" are just bitter?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    They could just come out and make the title:

    2012 ??? Holy Sh!t ... It's Later Than We Thought!

  • dinah

    Thinking back to how the fear of Armageddon was very real for me even years after I left the religion, I think the writer's just know how to yank the rank and file's chain. Gotta keep that fear at the forefront.

    It does make me wonder what the older Witnesses (my Mom, for example) think about this. I distinctly remember when I was 5 years old, thinking that I probably wouldn't have to ever even go to school. I dreaded starting school what with all the worldly people who persecute you for your beliefs and all that.

    I'm 43, by the way.

  • sir82

    Conveniently, that 1968 Awake does not show up on the WT-CD. Awake issues start with the 1/8/70 issue.

    A JW would have to be 50+ and born-in, or likely 70+ if a convert, to remember that particular Awake magazine. So most JWs won't make the connection.

    There's only so many ways to say "Soon!". It's inevitable that they will repeat themselves.

    Some have speculated there is a mole in the WT writing department who planted this as a sort of "easter egg" for fellow closet apostates. I like the idea but I doubt there is anything to it.

  • wannabefree
    Conveniently, that 1968 Awake does not show up on the WT-CD. Awake issues start with the 1/8/70 issue.

    And quoting from an Awake! that does not exist on the WT-CD only marks you as a trouble maker in the eyes of the faithful as only apostates are interested in old publications from the beloved "Society". Praise be to God's Organization.

  • NewChapter

    Is that our very own Punk?? I recognize our other poster (joliette?), but never heard punkinhead doing a video.


  • AnnOMaly

    The official theme song for the Special Talk 2012.

  • jwfacts

    I distinctly remember when I was 5 years old, thinking that I probably wouldn't have to ever even go to school. I dreaded starting school what with all the worldly people who persecute you for your beliefs and all that.

    I'm 43, by the way.

    Same here. I'm 42 and was terrified of going to high school and used to pray for Armageddon to come before then.

    To answer the question, I have no idea. The writers quite possibly did not even know of that Awake. There are very few JWs that were around at that time. However, the GB do check and sign off on the Special Talk, so must have known that this could cause a stir.

  • 00DAD

    jwfacts: To answer the question, I have no idea. The writers quite possibly did not even know of that Awake. There are very few JWs that were around at that time. However, the GB do check and sign off on the Special Talk, so must have known that this could cause a stir.

    It just raises so many questions:

    • Do these guys really not know/not remember there was an identical topic 44 years ago on the cover of an Awake! magazine?
      • If not, then they obviously didn't research this topic using their own literature like they encourage the R&F
      • Of course, if they just use the current WT CD it wouldn't come up!!! ... lol
    • Or do they just think that current JWs will
      • not know
      • not remember
      • not think
      • not question

    It's really bizarre.

    When I became a JW I learned more about Catholics and their beliefs than when I went to a Catholic high school. Now I'm learning more about JWs and what they believe here on JWN. What a weird world!!!


  • sizemik

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf . . . Aesops fables No. 210

    It's not in the Bible.

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