JoinedTopics Started by thistheother
by nicolaou init's tiresome and it doesn't add up but it's one of the most popular arguments for god's existence, "the argument by design.
" jehovah's witnesses and other believers point out a wonder of nature like the eye and compare it to a 'lesser' mechanical wonder of human design like a camera.
the supposed conclusion is that this natural wonder is evidence of creation by a powerful designer; god.. .
September 15 WT Same old, Same old.
by Slidin Fast instartfragment.
these paragraphs once again promote the gb/writing commitee to the status of god.
they also blatantly reverse the meaning of acts 17:11 by selectively quoting it, missing out completely the phrase 'as to whether these things were so".
12 Witnesses forum closed down?
by thistheother in
apparently we had just been nailing the final nails in the blood doctrine (by way of discussing the wts flip-flopping) and discussing the (un) scriptural reason for the wts banning of beards.
i was surprised by how few the responses were and the ones that were there were very weak and not to the point.