Thank you for your words Magwitch and Mrsjones...I have been crying off and on for the past couple of days. I have always been close with my children and never thought that this would be something that would happen to our family, hopefully this to shall pass.
JoinedPosts by Igot2bme
I am so hurt and angry
by Igot2bme inthis fake ass religion has costed me so much but now it has turned my son away from me.
i am so hurt, my heart is broke, and feel completly defeated.
he refuses to call me, blocked me on my facebook account, and went back to the people in the org who threw him under the bus, called him names, slandered him, stole from him and these were so called brothers and sisters!
I am so hurt and angry
by Igot2bme inthis fake ass religion has costed me so much but now it has turned my son away from me.
i am so hurt, my heart is broke, and feel completly defeated.
he refuses to call me, blocked me on my facebook account, and went back to the people in the org who threw him under the bus, called him names, slandered him, stole from him and these were so called brothers and sisters!
This fake ass religion has costed me so much but now it has turned my son away from me. I am so hurt, my heart is broke, and feel completly defeated. He refuses to call me, blocked me on my Facebook account, and went back to the people in the Org who threw him under the bus, called him names, slandered him, stole from him and these were so called brothers and sisters! Ive seen so much out of these people who called them selves christian it would blow your mind at the stories that I have (or maybe not) I even stopped hanging with them long before I stopped going because I deemed them bad ascoication. I came to my sons aid so many times in the past because of these assholes, and made myself an enemy to them because of the shit they would pull on me and my family because I was a sister and I wasn't suppose to defend myself or my family as to not disrupt the unity of the cong.I tell you what if the elders show up at my house they are going to get more than just an earfull out of me, I have fucking had it!!!!!
Scriptures that should be applied to the Watchtower Society
by Igot2bme in2 tim.
3:5-7 states: ....having a form of godly devotion but proving false to it's power and from these turn away.
for from these arise men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins and various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.. .
Rom. 16:18- For men of that sort are slaves not of our lord Jesus Christ, but of thier own bellies: by smooth talk and speech they seduce the hearts of the guileless ones.
Scriptures that should be applied to the Watchtower Society
by Igot2bme in2 tim.
3:5-7 states: ....having a form of godly devotion but proving false to it's power and from these turn away.
for from these arise men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins and various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.. .
2 Tim. 3:5-7 states: ....Having a form of godly devotion but proving false to it's power and from these turn away. For from these arise men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins and various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
I never really read these scriptures from this perspective, you know from the outside looking in. These scriptures were always applied to the "worldly people" but it seems to fit more along with how the organisation operates. -
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power inbefore i begin, i want you to know i understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, chemtrails exist.. what is the purpose of chemtrails ?
if it was to artificially create clouds, why come to edinburgh ?
for any of you who are unaware, 90% of the time its cloudy and rainy, so creating cloud cover, is a joke.
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power inbefore i begin, i want you to know i understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, chemtrails exist.. what is the purpose of chemtrails ?
if it was to artificially create clouds, why come to edinburgh ?
for any of you who are unaware, 90% of the time its cloudy and rainy, so creating cloud cover, is a joke.
I am not coming up with conspiracy theories, nor am I trying to debate the issue. I am just making an observation to something I have witnessed on almost daily basis in the area where I live.
@Bohn,Lore,BTS- Speaking of issues, it is not my fault that sometime in your life people didn't listen to what you had to say causing you to become cynical rather than observant persons leaving you bitter, angry, and obstinate.
I got better things to do than argue about something I have see with my own eyes and have it photographed as well. Laters!
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power inbefore i begin, i want you to know i understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, chemtrails exist.. what is the purpose of chemtrails ?
if it was to artificially create clouds, why come to edinburgh ?
for any of you who are unaware, 90% of the time its cloudy and rainy, so creating cloud cover, is a joke.
Another thing I would like to mention is that when these chem trails are being left there is usually little to no cloud cover in the sky.
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power inbefore i begin, i want you to know i understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, chemtrails exist.. what is the purpose of chemtrails ?
if it was to artificially create clouds, why come to edinburgh ?
for any of you who are unaware, 90% of the time its cloudy and rainy, so creating cloud cover, is a joke.
I know how rainbows are made.
The fact of the matter is this is that they don't dissipate and spread out in the air and linger for hours. I know what a regular jet trail (contrail) looks like. Like I said we have an air force base that is right over our mountains and I have been watching jets fly over my whole life. I have never seen this as a child or in my teen years. Just recently I have been noticing them and they are unusual in nature.
I don't understand where all this negative BS is coming from.
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power inbefore i begin, i want you to know i understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, chemtrails exist.. what is the purpose of chemtrails ?
if it was to artificially create clouds, why come to edinburgh ?
for any of you who are unaware, 90% of the time its cloudy and rainy, so creating cloud cover, is a joke.
@Pedal power- I am very concerned about it as well. My husband and I have witnessed this going in our area. I have even taken photos of the criss crossing in the sky above us. I have also noticed that when the chem trail spreads out and dissipates there is a sheen left behind giving off a rainbow effect when the sun hits it. Malmstoms Air Force base is directly east of us over the mountains and that is the direction the jets come from. When I ask people they don't seem to know what it is or even care.
I have question about the new light on the statues toes
by Igot2bme inmy son went to the dc this past weekend and we visited on the phone for a bit about what he picked up there.
he of course was sad and worried for us because we no longer have anything to do with the org.
we covered alot of issues that had to do with why i felt that the org did not have gods holy spirit.
@TDaze- Thats about what I gathered from it. It's just another call for URGENCY!...again
@TotallyADD- Speaking of changing of teachings, I just looked up the image in the Daniel book and the Anglo-American world being positioned mid calf to ankle on the image power and the clay feet with iron represented the politically divided world governments. I then compared to that if the image in the May 2011 Awake and now the feet are completely representative of Anglo-American world power. With changing their teachings constantly it just proves to me that they don't know what their talking about!
Wantingtruth ...I truly hope this may be understood.
@Wantingtruth-It sure is, thank you. :)
@BlackSheep- Thank you for the advice, and for the downloadable material, I appreciate it!
Stillin-... My problem with that is, first of all, what's the iron and clay supposed to mean? Britain and the USA do just fine alongside each other. Second, isn't the modern-day organization supposed to be global in its' scope? So why say that Britain and America have any special place in the bigger scheme of things relating to God's people? These two nations are just two more out of the entire world.
@Stillin-I have the same questions as well. I understood the bits of iron to be the politically divided governments of the world, now it is all about Britain and America? I am so glad to be able to have stepped back and see the flip flopping of beliefs going on in the Org.
@Vachi 8 He is-LOL! Thats a good one!
@JWfacts- Good Point, I will do that!