I apparently missed your other threads. Your analysis of the UN affair is severely flawed for the following reasons:
(i) The library card defense is a red herring. The 1968 UN resolutions 1296 and 1297 clearly spell out the requirements for a DPI affiliated NGO. It cannot get any simpler than that. It doesn't matter what the WTS's motivations were - by affiliating they were agreeing to support the UN's principles as per those resolutions. Now assume they were somehow unaware of them at the time, they still lied by stating in Gillies letter that the rules had somehow changed. They hadn't. Those are documented facts. Also, in that letter why did they not acknowledge that they had withdrawn because of information published by the Guardian itself - information of which they were, if we take them at their word, unaware? Instead they called the article erroneous when, by their actions, they proved its central point to be absolutely valid. Is that honest?
Actually, they knew of this before it hit the Guardian, but it was only after public exposure that they took the necessary steps. The WTS still has not issued any public explanation public about this matter - if it is innocent then why not do so?
Further, each year - for 10 years - the WTS received information from the UN stating, among other things, what the role of NGOs is. You may say, perhaps they didn't read it. So what, since when has not reading something been a defense? Basically yours is an apology for the WTS by giving them the benefit of the doubt in matters where there is no credible doubt. Could you get out of a speeding ticlet by arguing that you didn't know the speed limit? Perhaps occasionally, but ignorance of the law is no excuse.
If they were actually ignorant of all this then at least an honest apology would be called for - not the tissue of lies in Gillies' letter. A letter, which, incidentally the Guardian's editor refused to publish because it was dishonest.
(ii) The Awake! articles from 1991 on out are strikingly different from those before. While it is true that technically the articles always point to a better way than the UN nevertheless, to the public, they appear favorable not just to the UN but also to UN principles. Pointing to a "better way" is not the same thing as condemning the UN which is what the WTS should be doing according to its own values. A better mouse trap does not imply that the earlier model was crap. To state it differently - quantum mechanics is a better way than classical mechanics. does that make classical mechanics a disgusting thing, or just a "less good" thing?
The WTS was talking up the UN for its own benefit - you can't get away from that. I have rarely read a more convolulted argument than yours as to how those articles were actually condemning the UN. Actually, they were written to appeal to the UN officials but without overtly offending JW sensibilities on the UN.
In reality the WT opposes both the UN and its principles such as free speech for individuals. It's called talking out of both sides of your mouth. No one on thi sboard is so stupid as to suggest that the WTS was actually supporting the UN as you seem to think we are doing. Our point is that they misrepresented themelves to the UN so that, as you have grasped, they could exploit the UN. However, doing that contradicts the WTS's stated positions. In fact, people died in Malawi because they could not buy a party card even though it was a single-party state. In WT land the end does not justify the means for the rank and file. Hence the leaders have a double standard.
(iii) The WTS has condemned in its magazines other religious NGO-affiliates of the UN for using their position to gain influence. However, it has done the same thing and in semi-secret. Why did not rank & file JWs know of the UN affiliation? Merely seeing the WTS on the UN NGO web page is a great shock to most JWs. Why is that if it is as innocent as you say?
(iv) Since the WTS has been shown to lie about many things and to misrepresent the facts on many occasions, why would they draw the line here? You ask, would they be so stupid as to lie about something that is easily checked? That is incredibly naive - of course they would, because JWs are prohibited from checking and the rest of the world doesn't really care.
Joseph, your analysis is superficial, naive and unbelievably myopic.