JoinedTopics Started by Lionel_P_Hartley
The Other Side of the Blood Coin
by Lionel_P_Hartley inby what authority, and on what scriptural basis, does the gb disregard the apostolic decree - to abstain from blood?
why do they support the blood industry whose factories take countless gallons of blood - in clear violation of the command that blood must be poured out - and extract vast numbers of extracts for medical usage.
where in scripture is the gb given the authority to violate god's law to noah and the apostolic decree?.
Evidence that the WTS Claims to be Inspired
by Lionel_P_Hartley inmuch evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the wts is a false prophet even though jws will say anything to deny this unpleasant fact.
generally they act and teach explicitly that the gb speaks for god - that it is is god's sole channel of communication - but also claim that the gb is not inspired.
that is a distinction without a difference.. this has caused you know to be on the lookout for jw teachings "channeled" to him by the slave but which are without a bible basis.
Creative Daze and Dozing Dubs
by Lionel_P_Hartley injust how long, then, were these days of creation?
is that the length of the seventh day?
2:3.. the seventh one thousand years of the seventh day will thus in itself be a sabbath.
To JWs - Creative Day Request
by Lionel_P_Hartley inthe society used to state regularly that a creative day (cd) is exactly 7000 years long.
actually, that teaching has never been revoked although recent literature - since about 1988 - always says that a cd is "thousands of years" long.. two questions:.
(i) is any jw here willing to find out if the wts still believes that a cd is exactly 7000 years long or not?
You Know it's God's Channel
by Lionel_P_Hartley inyou know is trying to defend the wts against the charge of being false prophets.
he is relying on something of a technicality.
let's look at the facts:.
You Know it's a False Prophecy
by Lionel_P_Hartley inyou know has issued the following challenge:.
the apostate charge is that the watchtower claims to be an inspired prophet of god.
that is how jehovah inspired his prophets in the past and that is the impression that you would like to fabricate by your sophistry.
How Long is a Creative Day?
by Lionel_P_Hartley into jw's everywhere - can you supply the most recent reference from the literature that tells how long a creative day is?
and, can you supply the most recent reference to a "creative day" for comparison?
if you're not sure of the answer, perhaps you should write to the society and ask.
Letter to the Editor of The Tablet
by Lionel_P_Hartley ini came across this letter in the tablet.
it isn't available online so i have had to type it in.
i've ignored formatting (italics etc) and can't be held responsible if i've mistranscribed anything from the original.. **************.
The Tablet, The Watchtower, Child abuse and thewiz
by Lionel_P_Hartley inthewiz has commented on how, because the tablet is a catholic weekly, we are all hypocrites for reading it, or attributing any weight to it.
likely it is out of ignorance that thewiz fails to recognize that the tablet is not published by the catholic church.
however, can anyone here imagine that paragon of truth, the watchtower, publishing a story like the following about a jw elder who molested children?
Web Page on WTS-UN
by Lionel_P_Hartley inthis is, i must admit, a most confusing board to negotiate.
however, i happened upon a fledgling project by a mr. bboyneko which appears to provide an excellent entree into the un issue..