Hi everyone!
Thanks for your comments!
Desirousofchange: Yes... i question my strategy too! It needs improving! The trouble is, im finding each day that i want to be more and more me, that its showing on the outside. Unfortunately i need to get it right! I dont want to be a hypocrite, but at the same time i dont want to cause unnescary problems for myself. Why does this organisation make me feel like this? I know of so many who have become so disgruntled! WHY??? I thought Jesus load was kindly and light? It certainly doesnt feel light! That tells me something... i believe that im under Jesus load but also i have another load beneath that... AND ITS HEAVIER - all the organisation nonsense! Thats what has tired me out! Serving Jesus is simple and very pleasant! All the organisational stuff annoys me!
SSN587: I like your style. This is how iv conducted my ministry for so long now! No mags or books! Just simpel tracts and THE BIBLE!!! I love it! I should remember that one: Leave me alone and let me do the ministry how i want! :) Cheers!
kjw53: I will turn to God! I had this before with the brother! He was stating that salvation is through the organisation! I am pretty certain that Jesus is the way, the truth and life! John 14:6! At least thats what the bible realy teaches. Iv kind of had enough of listening to this kind of argument about the organisation. Im not dissing it though because i think they have more right than wrong, but i do believe its become too much like a business than an association or cooperation to help people. Seriously, the brother, he is the territory servant, it appears to me he has his priorities completely wrong. He is more concerned about looking good and following oragnisational direction than ACTUALY trying to help and encourage people to look into the bible. I have to be honest, this isnt actualy the direction i wanted to take in my life. I always wanted to be a part of the organisation, but despite all the good things, i dont fit in anymore! I can only hope that Jehovah understands and can read my heart. I have tried so hard to be sincere and im sure he will appreciate that.