More often than not I'm found in a Presbyterian Church, but then I live in Scotland so thats not all that surprising
Presbyterianism is merely the form of church government, though most all would hold to Calvinism and its associated doctrine of Predestination. I've not come across one that has an anti-drinking/smoking policy, though they probably exist. Services are usually between an hour and an hour-and-a-half and tend to concentrate on teaching. Outwith formal worship services there are usually opportunities for robust discussion and holding your own opinion on things. They don't tend to have half-an-hour to an hour music/praise sessions to begin with.
I've been to a fair few Baptist churches and have found a lot of variety, from Calvinist through Armenian, cosy through judgemental. As mostly "independant" churches they have tended to be as good as their minister, rather than having any real consistency between congregations. In the USA they do seem to be more anti-drinking/smoking. They tend to start their services with a lot of singing and in some places arm-waving.
The only thing I would state for clarity is that in doctrinal terms "conversion" refers to an individual's relationship to Christ, rather than a religion or denomination (albeit often confused as synonymous). You're already a Christian so what you're doing is a little more like changing coffeehouse rather than swearing off of caffiene
For those who think of all religion as merely a cult they should probably also examine their judicial systems, education systems, parental mores and TV/Movie regulatory mechanisms. Everything in life is designed to regulate us socially to an acceptable "norm". Religion is only one facet of that, but one that many people find useful psychologically, emotionally and socially.
As with totalitarian political regimes, there are extreme versions of religion. The thing most of us here hold in common is that we've been exposed to one of those extremes. I guess that it would be understandable for someone to mistrust authority if they came from a country that had suffered a dictatorship, but it doesn't necessarily follow that their opinions about all governments are unbiased and realistic. Likewise with ourselves. All governments and religions have faults, but all are not the same.
Just my 2p