JoinedTopics Started by LittleToe
For the many who remember "just2laws," he had a massive heart attack last night...
by AndersonsInfo inand died at home in panama city beach, florida.
steve imhof, a bethelite in the 1970s and former very active elder who became a very vocal wt critic starting in 2002, was 65 years old when he died.
he was father to three children and two grandchildren.
RIP Dansk (aka Ian), 18.12.1953- 20.12.2008
by faundy inhave posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.
Has anyone disassociated themselves in public at the KH?
by Awakened at Gilead ini read of someone on this site that gave a public talk and disassociated himself at the end of the talk.
has anyone here da'd by giving a comment at a meeting?????.
it would be kinda cool with the big generation light coming up to just raise my hand, say i don't believe it, and be done with it.
Supernaturalism and reason.
by Narkissos inreading one more time (on the umpteenth thread about the 70 weeks of daniel, into which i'm not going again) the idea that "anti-supercalifragilnaturalistic bias" ruin the unbelievers' (or misbelievers') exegesis of bible texts, and readily admitting to such... bias, i have one very general and simple question which might be worth its own thread.. here it is:.
once you admit such thing as the "supernatural", .
on what grounds can you assess anything.
Which is More Important: Doctrinal Correctness or Unity?
by Olin Moyles Ghost inlately i have done a lot of thinking about the inevitable discussions i will have with family and friends about my (and their) beliefs.
i have begun running through some hypothetical conversations in my mind.
today, i thought of a particular line of reasoning and would like to hear any comments/criticism from the board.
The Jesus bed connection.
by alanejackson inthis holiday, think and remember.
before the word sleep became part of our vocabulary, the word dead was used, meaning not conscious.
the word dead covered all the conditions for being found not conscious.
Free will- Divine blackmail?
by nvrgnbk indivine blackmail .
free will in the theistic worldview.
when confronted with the problem of evil - i.e., why a loving god allows pain and suffering to exist - theists of the western traditions often invoke the "free will" defense, that god wanted us to be truly free and that such freedom necessitates evil; we must have the option to either choose him or reject him.
Are there a minimum set of core beliefs that all Christians accept?
by nicolaou infor example, a christian could not simply believe that jesus was a compassionate man could he?
christ must be accepted as being divine either as part of a trinity or at least as the son of god.. must a christian believe that the miracles of jesus as recorded in the bible are actual events or can they be accepted as allegory?must a christian believe that "all scripture is inspired of god"?jesus is said to separate the sheep from the goats - can you be a christian without accepting that jesus will kill all the goats?there seems to be so much about christ that many christians are simply too uncomfortable to discuss.