That would be a good topic: "How many are CURRENTLY serving as elders and post here?"
I know there's more...
That would be a good topic: "How many are CURRENTLY serving as elders and post here?"
I know there's more...
i thought the kingdom ministry feb 2014 had a couple interesting things in it:.
1. a short talk encouraging the jw sales force to publicize the website at every opportunity.. 2. do not put out bibles on your table displays keep them hidden underneath.
i thought they were so p-p-p-p-proud of their new nwt??.
I thought the Kingdom Ministry Feb 2014 had a couple interesting things in it:
1. A short talk encouraging the JW sales force to PUBLICIZE the website at every opportunity.
2. DO NOT put out Bibles on your table displays keep them hidden underneath. I thought they were so p-p-p-p-proud of their new NWT??
i here that the new advisory for witnesses, should the go on the internet is to only go on the org.
the org.
is all they are concerned about since "others" may have some "misinformation"..
What about:
@ Newly Enlightened - Great video Kim- epic!
BTW the elders said similar untruths in my JC hearing for apostasy, like when I said "We teach that everyone will die at Armageddon if they are not JWs" and they all three spoke up and said, "Oh we don't teach that! Who teaches that?"
@Shirley - "Kim you gave me an idea to call myself and see if someone there can answer the question of why they now go by the name of when about 20 years ago they were admonishing the brothers and sisters to stay away from the internet"
I'd love it if you did that they are slwoly moving away from the WT name and adopting this mindset...
i've seen brothers related or who are friends of elders who get appointed after only 6-12 months as an m.s.
while they were other brothers slaving away for years.
elders also who promote their sons and basically say to other young brothers "to heck with everyone else".
Nepotism was quite the norm the 20 years I was an MS/Elder...
so i grew up in new jersey in a very urban part of the state.
i literally only saw white folks if they were in a police car or if i went to the assembly.
the funny thing is at the assembly there was still a level of segregation as well although it was self-imposed.
I saw some of that at Beth-hell when I was there CAA... it made me sick.
Elder for 10 years always a small body no more than 4 or 5 even had just three for a year or two that was a ton of work ugggh
Got DFed for the big A a little over a year ago.
BTW Mr Quick it would be great if you could compile a list of a ballpark of how many us on this forum there is. Thanks for the OP.
check out this gem from the dec 2013 km which explains why it's good to over this book a second go round.. "congregations previously considered this book during 2004 and 2005. however,for many of the approximately two million publishers who have come into the truth since then,this will be the first time that jehovahs endearing qualities have been discussed in detail.for those who studied the book before, the review will help them to deepen their appreciation forjehovahs".
i gotta kick out of this because i can only think of maybe two or three new ones in our congregation who weren't present when this book was first studied.
at the same time, going over jehovah's qualities isn't something new.
@ Stand - This is the first time I've heard you objectively question and use critical thinking skills about what the WT Org is doing...
Also I believe it was in Ray's first book that what was going to be studied at book study was often determined by what surplus of old books was lying around and the need to get them out the door. When I first read that it sickened me; it's not "food at the proper time" it's more books sold to the rank and file at the financially proper time.
ok. its been a year since my first post.
(i wasn't joking when i said it would take a while for any replies!!).
thanks for all of the kind words of support.. .
Slow and careful Casio and you will prevail.
i'm married with small children.
my wife and i both born-in and baptized jws.
i began my slow drift about a year ago.