@StartingOver - I didn't forget lol it was great! My point in the video when referencing this was that we never know how many JWs are awake in the movement and enlightened... like you!
interview with joel the unwitness:.
an outstanding experience of unwitnessing occurs when a former jw happens to find himself at a mcdonalds around 11am on a saturday.... does pandemonium ensue?
@StartingOver - I didn't forget lol it was great! My point in the video when referencing this was that we never know how many JWs are awake in the movement and enlightened... like you!
interview with joel the unwitness:.
an outstanding experience of unwitnessing occurs when a former jw happens to find himself at a mcdonalds around 11am on a saturday.... does pandemonium ensue?
Interview with Joel the Unwitness:
An outstanding experience of unwitnessing occurs when a former JW happens to find himself at a McDonalds around 11am on a Saturday...
Does pandemonium ensue? Or can balance be brought back to the force???
this is a song by lauren hill she had family ties to the jw cult, so it is very touching and moving, she even gets choked up in the middle of the song.
i like to share this song with new ones or old ones and those who have heard it before every now and again, it so refreshing and hopefull!
enjoy it!!!.
Live video version with commentary on JWStruggle:
he issues a challenge to watchtower and jw apologists in video 1. .
hi, .
would any one have this in pdf or epub version that they can kindly send me please?.
obey jehovah's janitors!
thank geehovah for the elder-janitor class brothers.... .
No janitors were harmed in the making of this fake WT study page... :)
Another new acronym has been born-- Behold Elder-janitor class...we give you...
this is one of the most extraordinary interviews i've done on youtube to date and i'm not just saying that.. shawn "zen" dean shared his harrowing story with me of being raised in the jw "truth", going to watchtower farms and then getting his teaching degree only to end up homeless... lots of stories along the way, told with humor, sincerity and a heart full of love.. this is a tender-hearted guy that has had the ass-end of the stick his whole life... that's "the truth"!.
sometime ago, i watched a video, which the offender secretly recorded, of his jc.. the elders asked a handful of times something to the effect:.
do you believe that the watch tower society is the faithful and discreet slave?
do you believe that the watch tower society is god's channel?.
I'm soooooooo hoping someone will do another of these! Use a pen-cam and go for it lol. ;)
many have heard of him from his youtube channel and his recorded judicial meeting for apostacy .
saturday + sunday, august 2-3rd 2014. .