Actually, the WTS do teach a framework of the truth. (Romans 2:20) A part of this framework is that Jehovah is NOT a part of some made up trinity.
The Bible is the truth. It is God's inspired word. The Bible clearly states there is only ONE God Almighty, Jehovah. The Bible clearly states not to commit idolatory (Revelation 22:9, 15) Jesus is the creation, worshipping the creation is bad in Jehovah's eyes. So worshipping Jesus is not on.
Jesus is more than a human. Jehovah gave all authority to him, not in 1914 as the WTS teaches, but after his ressurection. But, Jesus is STILL a created being. Even putting Jesus on the same rung as God Almighty is idolatory. We have to be careful to acknowledge Jesus as exactly who he is, the SECOND highest of all creation, LOWER than Jehovah.
If the trinity is true, why were the Israelites told to only worship Jehovah? Then later on down the line, Jehovah CHANGED and became part of a trinity? If this is the case, then you are in effect calling Jehovah a liar, for you are saying He has changed contrary to scripture, and that He lied about Himself being the Only true God Almighty.
The trinity doctrine is a truly demonic blasphemous teaching.