Hey PublishingCult, it's simple really. The Borg mentioned that because of work, gas prices, other miscellaneous stress, etc., that they decided to condense it with the theocratic ministry school and the field service meeting.
So the weekly line-up would be, for example, Sunday- 30min Talk/60min Watchtower study
Wednesday- 20min congregation book study/20-25min TMS/30-45min FSM
I'm glad they freed up a night. Going 3 times a week was bummer. The CBS is the same ol crap as the book study, but in the hall.
BUT(and this is a big one), there is a "mandatory" Weekly Family Worship Night. It already technically existed, but it was far from mandatory. I use it mainly to study for WT, CBS and FS. It's supposed to be a pleasurable experience, like if you have kids, re-enact Biblical scenes, etc.
But screw that. Like I said, I use it to study things we have to study.