You know the guy eating the big invisible doughnut? :) - TimothyT
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Thanks for the laugh!
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it wasn't a feeling of rebellion; it was the feeling of love and care i desired.
You know the guy eating the big invisible doughnut? :) - TimothyT
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Thanks for the laugh!
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it wasn't a feeling of rebellion; it was the feeling of love and care i desired.
Hey, nice to see you around again! Is that a Roman amphitheater in the background? Awesome!
i think the term "atheist" was coined to accomodate a "theist" population to understand someone with an opposing viewpoint.. i find it interesting that for many... their life is arranged around their belief in their deity.. that was my case when i was one... .
i think that calling myself an atheist its accepting a defact stand of theism of the world and extends and validates at some degree tha myth.. i am an "atheist" as much as i am an "adarthvarthian".
i never call myself by the second... nor i have to negate the multitude of fantasies and myths that people choose or are trapped in believing... .
Atheists are only called so because of theism. If golf had never been invented, you wouldn't hear anyone saying, 'I'm not a golf player'. It would be a non-sequitur. In fact, you never hear anyone defining themselves as a non golf player. I totally get what you're saying, cyberjesus.
there is one lord, one faith, one baptism.. jehovah and jesus are also both spoken of as savior.
this is true because even though there are two personalities, and jesus also possesses a human body, they both also share the same substance or essence of god.
this is similar to my son who shares 50% of my essence in dna.
I have not the slightest clue what you are trying to say. - Cofty
Yes, Cofty. That is the genius of belief. That ever so subtle slight of hand, without being one in the mind of the believer.
Anyways, back to apologist mode. Why couldn't Jesus' body be just the ultimate preservation, like plastination, except allowing movement? As for Jesus eating fish and subsequently metabolizing them, who says they had to be metabolized? He's freaking magic, Cofty, magic! As for neurology and thought process, just subject your inquiries through the same line of thought, namely, Jesus is magic!
Here is the point, Cofty. Do you believe Jesus can make a round square or a four corner circle? Once you realize this is possible for Jesus, then you can believe in him. You can truly believe in the impossible. Try it. It's refreshing.
i compsed the following 3 pieces of music.. tell which one you like best and why, please.. if you don't like any of them that's okay, too:).
van gogh among the sunflowers.
waltz for summer ending.
Terry, amazing compositions. I can truly see the passion you have for music. I used to, but my creativity has hit a dead end for now, so it would seem. Maybe one day I'll pick up the arts again.
They really are all great, but I liked the second one most, the so called waltz. It's what I was in the mood for today. It really has that sinister, phantom of the opera feel at times, more somber and melancholic throughout though, really.
there is one lord, one faith, one baptism.. jehovah and jesus are also both spoken of as savior.
this is true because even though there are two personalities, and jesus also possesses a human body, they both also share the same substance or essence of god.
this is similar to my son who shares 50% of my essence in dna.
Lol Cofty, I know you are going to hate me for this one, but I'm giving them a get out of jail free card. Jesus has anincorruptible/corruptible - spiritual/physical body. Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see.
P.S. When Jesus asked Thomas to poke his wounds, wouldn't that essentially be Jesus admitting he did have corruption on his body? I wouldn't call a physical body with wounds incorruptible.
i had been studying with the jehovah's witnesses for the last couple years.
they have been interesting study sessions and have learned quite a bit about them and their beliefs.
much of what they teach is what i had learned through personal bible study.. growing up was normal.
I came up with a different understanding than you. - Change Name
You are close. You are grasping the essence of life. If now you would open your mind.
just by knowing what will happen, that doesn't mean that we can prevent or cause something to happen.
my knowing that does not prevent them the free will of making the choice.. it's the same with god.
if god is not restricted to existence in the present, then the future is known by god because god indwells the future as well as the present and the past.
Did A&E have other alternatives or the option to break the rules?
Oops! It was my fault! I didn't read the context. I just assumed we were talking about free will vs. deterministic universe.
If so, please point them out . . . or understand what a strawman is.
Well, given the context and also that I love playing Jehovah's advocate, the choice seemed pretty damn simple to me. It's one freaking tree out of the whole garden. The only thing that made it 'difficult' was the wrench thrown in, the snake's temptation.
Why did A&E need other alternative or the option to break the rules, when the rules were simple as can be? Don't eat! Hell, they could've even played frisbee with the damned fruit, as long as they didn't eat, that one condition, how exactly was their free-will being taken away?
BTW, I know what a strawman is. I hope you'll understand it was an error on my part for not reading the context.
just by knowing what will happen, that doesn't mean that we can prevent or cause something to happen.
my knowing that does not prevent them the free will of making the choice.. it's the same with god.
if god is not restricted to existence in the present, then the future is known by god because god indwells the future as well as the present and the past.
So if my Govt tells me if I walk out of my gate, I will be shot on sight . . . I still have free-will.
Strawman. You don't take into account the ability to change things. There are other alternatives. You can break the rules and somehow get away with it.
just by knowing what will happen, that doesn't mean that we can prevent or cause something to happen.
my knowing that does not prevent them the free will of making the choice.. it's the same with god.
if god is not restricted to existence in the present, then the future is known by god because god indwells the future as well as the present and the past.
If it is possible to know the future then we have a deterministic universe where quantum fluctuations will happen according to the starting conditions of the universe and are playing out exactly as planned/ordered. Humans are a fairly miniscule and irrelevant part of that deterministic universe and are a slave tothat determinism. With regard to the past our present fixes it into set deterministic state, what was must have been for now to be. - Qcmbr
But Qcmbr, aren't quantum fluctuations random? It's kind of like the butterfly effect, so that even though you begin the same, any miniscule change has an extraordinary effect on the final outcome.