Topics Started by Loki
The apostle's Paul reproof...
by MacHislopp ina small question:.
according to the following text, paul , in antioch relates a reproof that he.
gave to peter and others because "they were not walking straight ...".
Growth ..proof of blessings!
by MacHislopp inone of the recent claim from the wts was published in the.
w. 15.01.2001 p. 12 :" millions of kingdom proclaimers - a mighty nation -are now associating with more than 91,000 congregations in 235 lands around the earth.. unquestionably, this confirms that jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of true.
worshippers before the outbreak of the" great tribulation," now so near at hand.-.
Englishman Unplugged.
by Englishman ina few posters have asked me questions re my background, so, here is a potted version of my 54 years as an earthling: .
i was born in bolton, greater manchester, in the north of england.. my father was an air-traffic controller and was transferred to london heathrow when i was quite young.
hed flown many missions on lancaster bombers during ww2.
by You Know inreality is a hard thing to keep at bay.
yet, many apparently prefer to live in a make-believe world, and so they readily embrace delusions for their own emotional comfort.
anything that seems to threaten the security of their fantasyland is dismissed, ignored, or ridiculed.
Brand New Religion
by BugEye innew religion.
i am hereby instituting a brand new religion.
we will from henceforth be called the church of wendy mommy.. we are a multifaceted organisation and will have our headquarters in tampa florida 'cause i know someone there and the weather is good.. we have 3 leaders or gods if you will.
WTS Didn't tell Relatives about death for 7 days
by Jang inmark palo < [email protected]> has given me permission to pass this on.
i think what the wts did about notifying relatives is deplorable!!!!!!.
today i received some sad news.
by sf ini know i've brought this site up somewhere along the line in the past 2 years, yet i am sure many lurkers have not seen it.
it has much in the way of detailed "jw reporting".
it has articles that perhaps don't get seen as often as they should to all involved or related to this kults "activities".. "good news reporter...your online international news forum":.
ignorance is bliss
by teejay ini saw kevin yesterday.. we met almost twenty years ago.
he's not overly blessed with a .
he had a life free from the pain of ever knowing that had been played for a .
Has anyone felt like leaving God altogether?
by lookingnow22 ini know that the answer is yes, but it would help me to hear your sentiments on this.
after you decided that the wbts, and thus jw's were not god's chosen earthly organization did you feel like you wanted to leave and forget god altogether?.
JW's & alternative medicine
by slipnslidemaster inin one of the threads i read today, they were talking about looking into your eyeballs to diagnose cancer and the like.
also selling herbs.. my comment and question is this: it seemed like in my congregation and the surrounding ones, alot of the sisters were into kineseology, reflexology, herbs, vitamins, color therapy, aroma therapy, etc.. alot of touchy feely hippie crap.
while i personally agree that there needs to be more synergy with eastern and western medicines, it would appear reading the boards that alot of witnesses are into this sort of stuff.. is this your experience?