Hi Cathy
I'm also recently new to this site - dfed a few years ago. Hope things stay wonderful with your guy
hi, i'm cathy.
am new to the site; some of you know me by now.
i have been dfd since 1997 and without many friends since then and felt quite lost as im sure many of you know the feeling.
Hi Cathy
I'm also recently new to this site - dfed a few years ago. Hope things stay wonderful with your guy
i've heard the borg alot.
one of the recent posts had the matrix.
some the firm.. i think that i like the matrix, so far.. what's yours?.
"Brainwashers Inc"
Motto: Your brain will be so clean you will never want to use it again
one of the recent claim from the wts was published in the.
w. 15.01.2001 p. 12 :" millions of kingdom proclaimers - a mighty nation -are now associating with more than 91,000 congregations in 235 lands around the earth.. unquestionably, this confirms that jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of true.
worshippers before the outbreak of the" great tribulation," now so near at hand.-.
The WTS do seem to have trouble with their maths, don’t they. Maybe because so many were of them left school early to pioneer.
Thanks for your info Somebody – what a difference 4 months makes in attitude. Statistics are only right if they agree with you?
JC Mac, I'm sure the WTS will tell us the truth about the numbers, when they have managed to find a reason why this is “proof” of Jehovah’s blessings.
i don't know if this has ever been brought out - i just thought of it:.
the bible tells us that it rained for forty days and forty nights.. it stopped raining and noah & co floated around for a bit.. when they landed, noah sacrificed some of the animals (weren't they in short supply?
) and god promised never to bring a deluge upon then earth again.. to back this up, there was a rainbow in the sky as a sign.. now, what causes a rainbow?
A couple of really good points Simon. Must have been selective sacrificing - only the ones they took seven of. Mind you, I have often wondered about the "two of" thing - if a species gets down to very low numbers it becomes threatened; not enough genetic diversity.
Guess that gets put in the "Jehovah has the answers" box
a small question:.
according to the following text, paul , in antioch relates a reproof that he.
gave to peter and others because "they were not walking straight ...".
Its been a while since I was "in", but I seem to remember the r&fJW being taken to a "back room" by the loving elders after a meeting, leaving the whole congregation wondering what they had done "wrong". These poor publishers would then get some strange looks and receive diffidence from their loving brothers once released. Never knew when an elder was in "trouble" though, did we (or their children, come to think of it)? No special privliges? Hah!
if religion is, as marx said, the opium of the people, do the borg just have theirs at a better grade than most religions?
is that why it is so hard for people to "kick the habit"?
is that why we feel so strongly about the borg - reformed druggies being the most outspoken and all that?
I did put this in as a flip sort of topic that came to me in the midst of trying to decide about whether or not to take something for my headache. However, you are right, there is a very serious side to it, isn’t there?
I had a lot of trouble when I left, lots of questions about who I really am, and where do I want to go. I didn’t have many decision-making skills; all that sort of thing was previously taken care of for me. It was a while ago now, and I guess I have become a bit more mellow about it now, but your reply reminded me. Thanks
hi all,.
since the courtcases in moscow and france are on the wall, what are your thoughts on this.. should authorities act by making laws against destructiv sects?.
what kind of laws, and what criteria should identify a destructiv sect?.
What a topic PerFect!
I guess I’m not really adding much to the topic, but it is an issue which concerns me.
Seeker said “Don't depend on the government to tell you right from wrong, for that way lies danger.” Good point – isn’t that what the WTS does anyway?
Having said that, however, there is a place for law and government intervention, else we would have anarchy. The trouble is, where do you draw the line on that one? At what point does protection become control? I agree Seeker, that education is necessary. But how can you educate a group of people who are taught with what “perspective” to see issues which relate to the Borg.
Hawkaw, there are quite a few more places than Cuba and Haiti who do not have US style democracy, look at Asia. There are places where you can be thrown into jail if you publicly voice an opinion against the government, beaten up for protesting. I guess you can easily live with decisions made by the government, if you happen to agree for the most part with the ideology of that government. But what if you don’t? As you said, “there is much more work to be done”.
Do I sound confused? I am!
in one of the threads i read today, they were talking about looking into your eyeballs to diagnose cancer and the like.
also selling herbs.. my comment and question is this: it seemed like in my congregation and the surrounding ones, alot of the sisters were into kineseology, reflexology, herbs, vitamins, color therapy, aroma therapy, etc.. alot of touchy feely hippie crap.
while i personally agree that there needs to be more synergy with eastern and western medicines, it would appear reading the boards that alot of witnesses are into this sort of stuff.. is this your experience?
Hi Slipnslide
Great topic - lets keep trying for page 4. Hey, I want to stop being a "newbie" anyway.
It has always confounded me why a group of people who set such store by the resurrection are so concerned about their health. The people I mix with now discuss it so much less than the JWs did.
We must remember that "alternatives" were once "modern" anyway. I'm personally in favour of alternate medication as it has really helped me in the past. Saying that, "modern" medicine has also helped me too, and I feel that we should be able to avail ourselves of the entire spectrum of health approaches. Like Introspection pointed out, the statistics can back up either side if you know how to manipulate the figures the right way - so we have to make up our own minds about what is best for us.
Fit and well
if religion is, as marx said, the opium of the people, do the borg just have theirs at a better grade than most religions?
is that why it is so hard for people to "kick the habit"?
is that why we feel so strongly about the borg - reformed druggies being the most outspoken and all that?
Hey Fred
You wrote
"This is Fred Hall. Who is not Drug Free"
That's cool - whatever you need to survive. We are all free to decide which is our drug of choice.
Not on that drug anymore
here's something i found on kent's site just now.
i wrote it december last.
i didn't know that he purloined it but then again, he purloins lots of stuff, and furthermore i don't save most of what i write.
Hi Farkel
As you can see, I'm a newbie so I haven't had chance to read your posts before. That's my loss, your argumentation is gorgeous. It also strikes at what is a key issue for a lot of exJWs.
Like most good little JWs I had my doubts about this one since a child, but just shoved it into the box. You know the box, the one that lurkes in the corner, full of your doubts and questions. Trouble is, that box is only so big, then one day the pressure becomes too great and its contents fly out, leaving you with a huge mess and a lot of intense emotion. Thank you for putting it so well. Keep posting Farkekl.
Not crying so much for the innocents