JoinedTopics Started by Brighid
WAKING UP A DUB : effective communication
by Terry inwords that motivate.
our communication has to pass through the mind of another human being and survive what his or her mind is going to do with it!.
wordsby themselveshave to motivate the listener in the same way a combination lock will open if the correct numbers are dialed in exactly the correct sequence.
Depressing chat to my still-in brother about the RC
by Lemonp inhere is a quick breakdown of our conversation (by text message).
me: "have you read about the royal commission?
the org has been covering up child abuse.
Woman sues JWs - Mom's inheritance, 300 000$ signed over to JWs 1 week before her death!
by StephaneLaliberte inthis article is written in french: . .
the mother, who passed away in the spring of 2015, signed a new will just one week before her death, while she was dying, in which she made the jws beneficiary of her 300 000 $ dollars inheritance.
Governing Body monthly broadcast a prime example of delusional people willing to go public with their nonsense before for the whole world
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think the governing body is so delusional to give these monthly broad cast i'm mean it is totally a show of their complete ignorance to keep broad casting their ugly mugs to the world uttering utter nonsense to be used against them in a court of law.
they can't think above the mentality of a brain dead devotee, they think they are giving a good witness in what ever they speak which indicates a severe denial and compartmentalization going on in their psyche so that they have no knowledge of when they are out right lying.
Are Witnesses Allowed to Read Bible by itself
by Brighid ini've been away from the boards so long that i had to create a new account but recent events have brought me back - i've missed this place!
anyway, i heard a former witness being interviewed the other day that said the witnesses were now being highly discouraged to read the bible by itself (without wt literature) on their own.
this seems over the top even for the witnesses.
Crisis of Conscience
by FreeGirl2006 indo you think that any of the clueless, amnesiacs that appeared before the rc will have a crisis of conscience over the abuse situation?
seriously, with the grilling they received from our new heroes, they would have to be sociopaths not to do some long hard thinking about the lack of empathy and compassion the borg displays as a top down policy towards abuse victims.
i can understand these idiots not having an awakening within the confines of their daily lives since they stay cloistered in their belief system, but the rc forced them into the real world with their questions and one would hope, made them think.
An Obvious Contradiction Mr Stewart is Missing
by cofty inall jws on the stand have stuck to the same line that they have no problem with cooperating with mandatory reporting when state law requires it.. if the law does not require it then bible principles absolutely prevent them from taking away rights of the victim to report abuse to the police or not.. we have already heard from a jw rep a couple of days ago who proudly asserted that when the law conflicts with bible principle they will always obey the bible and quoted acts 5:29 "we must obey god rather than men".. please join the dots!.
Hello Again
by spoils_useful_habits inhi everyone, i joined this site 9 years ago, posted a few times but decided i just didn't want anything to do with the jw's anymore including perusing exjw sites.
i felt that i just had to completely "detox" myself from this religion, not even talking about how much disgust i had for it.
it did a wonder of good.......but, i recently came across an article about the australian child abuse cases and started to see what was happening with that, which got me here again.
You think the government in Australia resent the GB in the USA having authority over their citizens?
by James Mixon inwhat may be good for the usa will not cut the mustard here in australia.