The new 15 min. "rule" has been a major factor contributing to this "sudden growth". Of course, it's only a stopgap remedy. The core problems contributing to it's malaise aren't going away. As the Borg once again becomes hard-pressed to bolster it's flagging membership, it'll resort to more creative accounting methods. There's plenty of wiggle room with the 15 minute rule. Can you see them reducing that threshhold requirement by 1 minute increments. I know this sounds crazy, but remember; you can't argue with "new light".
JoinedPosts by longtimeout
Any theories why sudden growth in WTS?
by Mr Bean inlately is observed some small growth in wts troops.
any idea what is causing it?
i've heard that an age of baptized new members has dropped and 9/11 makes an impact.
field service
by DIAMOND inwhat is the deal with field service.
you know i'm doing that slow fade thang (really slow).
but i was at the meeting sunday (the only meeting i attend).
"Field Service": The incessant door-to-door sales activity engaged in by millions of unpaid salespeople maintaining the Borg's cash flow and distributing it's product, literature. Of course, every now and then a "convert" is recruited, and there's another cog in the wheel.
Again, it's always about the MONEY!
Why So Many Magazines?
by JH inwhy does the watchtower have to print so many different magazines every two weeks?
the truth is out since over 2000 years, and the truth didn't change since the time of jesus.
so why does the watchtower have to give us the latest version of the truth every 2 weeks?
Because this is what the WTB&TS does. It prints stuff. Lots of it. Amway distributes household cleaning products. The Borg publishes books and magazines. It needs to keep the rank and file busily engaged as unpaid salespeople. It's always about the MONEY!
I'm with Larc on this one.
I live on frozen prepared meals. They've come a long way from those TV dinners of old.
What Happened to Magazine Day?
by Blueblades ingenerally,saturday is designated as magazine day.street magazine work may also be engaged in.the more people that read our magazines the better our preaching of the kingdom good news will be.. so what happened to magazine day?i remember when we used to " blitz "a four block area in a short period of time on saturday mornings.not anymore,we can't let them apostates get anymore of our magazines!
stop the subscriptions !
no more magazine day !
I know what's happened to "Magazine Day" where I live. It's been relegated to a circuit of donut shops, my health club, laundromats, and other public places where these rags are unceremoniously dumped for this "life saving work". Years ago, we were always instructed to carefully place these in the field with householders to maximize the effectiveness of our "ministry". I guess the Borg's new pay-in-advance "donation" arrangement has changed the sales dynamic.
who hated the memorial?
by Tyler_Durden inwas having a wee think to myself: this year is the first year in over a decade i won't be attending the jw memorial.
not that i'm too bothered, i remembered how much i hated it, how pointless, dull, & stupid i found it!!.
i could never understand the need for the great crowd to attend the annual meeting, it wasn't for us - & it certainly wasn't for our poor bible studies!
I never hated it. Tolerated, maybe. To me, it was always a predictably boring, repetitive exercise no one really understood given the Borg's convoluted "Anointed" doctrinal conjurings. But heck, give the poor dubs their due. This is the closest thing to Easter they'll ever observe.
Actually recognizing Jesus (remember Him?) even if it is in an offhanded, perverted way for a select few. You even got to dress up in special clothes for the occasion. It was also a time to "view" those spiritually weak ones who made this their "Hegira". "View" is the operative word here. All the good dubs were careful not to be stumbled. Best left to the elders to deal with them.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #34
by ozziepost inmrs ozzie prepared the lunch and i made the drinks!
our visitors were baptist folk, so there was no shiraz today, out of respect for their sensibilities!
we enjoyed our conversation about dateline/panorama/sunday and they are taking a tape of the sunday program to various church groups in the south of sydney.
8 most closely defines my Armageddon viewpoint. I never worried about that.
I guess I had more important things to worry about; i.e. my draft status (I know, I'm dating myself here), never having enough money, trying to keep fooling the PO that my feeble sporatic attempts at pioneering was motivated solely out of love for the organization, and not driven by a desire to keep from getting drafted.
Anyway, here we are almost 40 yrs later, and I still don't have enough money.
do you think that there is a big exodus due from t
by dannywalsh ini dont know about you guys but im starting to get the feeling that a big fallaway is on the cards in the wt world what with all the recent scandals and the advent of the internet , information is so readily available to those in developed countries ,i feel that especially in developed nations the wt will suffer huge losses due to apathy and their extreme stand on so many issues, that many will become sick and tired of the wt treadmill of life which is so far away from the simplistic beauty of biblical christianity what do you think?
Let's face it. There's negative to zero growth in the Western world where it matters (read money!).
The third world offers growth potential, but it's desperately poor. And we know how tight the Borg is with it's precious dollars.
A friend of mine offered this tantalizing possibility from the Borg. New "light" regarding birth control, and prohibiting it! What better way to grow the Borg from within?
Just my 2 cents.
There's a kingdom hall right down the street from where I live. Every time I drive by, I'm compelled to look. At night, through the windows, there they are. Either sitting in benumbed silence, or standing and singing in off-key accompaniment to clunky, canned music. I get nauseated just thinking about all the years I wasted in these deathly boring (sales)meetings. I guess it's a good thing to always have one of these halls close-by. It serves as a constant reminder of how better off you are by NOT having to go anymore. For this purpose at least, they accomplish something worthwhile.
Charity and the WTBTS?
by eyeslice inthe society appears to sit on assets worth millions but does anyone know if they ever give money away in the form of unconditional charity from their own coffers?.
i know for instance that the south african branch has sent relief aid to other parts of africa and the german branch has sent aid to eastern europe but can anyone say exactly where the money came from?
was it raised by special appeals to the congregations, thus not having coming directly from their own precious central funds?.
Good points Eyeslice.
The Borg is, first and foremost, a multi-billion dollar worldwide publishing corporation masquerading as a religion. Their precious tax-exempt status derived from this, and need to protect their vast assets and holdings, drives everything they do. They give nothing to the world's needy, and to anyone else within for that matter.
Unlike the rank and file who are always admonished to "store up treasures in heaven ", they have a different agenda. Want to get their attention? Go after their money. They don't give a rat's ass about anything else.