I mean, this is just an hypothetical situation Larry is setting up here.
To imagine. To just imagine it.
Yet for some, it seems, this is all but impossible -- you know, credentials must be examined first, etc. LoL....
sen. robert f. kennedy, in look magazine said "but suppose god is black.
what if we go to heaven and we all our lives have treated the negro as an inferior and we look up and he is not white?
what then is our response?
I mean, this is just an hypothetical situation Larry is setting up here.
To imagine. To just imagine it.
Yet for some, it seems, this is all but impossible -- you know, credentials must be examined first, etc. LoL....
sen. robert f. kennedy, in look magazine said "but suppose god is black.
what if we go to heaven and we all our lives have treated the negro as an inferior and we look up and he is not white?
what then is our response?
Is it really so difficult for a believer to imagine a Black Jesus? Beyond the usual stereotypes, that is.
I wonder...
anyone had something jump on there bed in the middle of the night and then had problems with black helicopters?.
plus am i mad or bad if i keep seeing bits of the future?.
Wow, amazing artwork, Dizardsdreams.
to be read by any-one,but especially dedicated to the gay people that kindly read part one in good faith;many thanxxx`s to you all.
[if you haven`t read part one then basically it was me taking the piss-out of myself,being a world class homophobe.well who else can you take the piss-out of in these day`s of political correctness..apart from yourself...!?!
] many thanxxx to every-one that replied to part one;sorry i didn`t answer you sooner,but i`ve been off-line for a couple of days with a huge technical problem with my computer;(since writing about being stuck in a gay`s paradise and my homophobic reactions,my computer keeps going down on me.....but we`re still good friends).i will answer all your posts back over on part one now, i wrote this while off-line.okay lets start:- .
"The right sort of woman can change ANY-man [smiles at Billy] with good association". [Her legs seemed to spread wider apart while she was talking....].
That's some good writing there, LoL.
firstly i would like to thank all that responded to my most recent post.
i received a lot of encouragement from your kind words and thoughts.. however, i must let you all know that that was not my first post as many of you assummed.
i have in fact posted here on many occasions, aka bay64me and bay-six-for-me.
Well, I for one didn't feel deceived. I haven't forgotten the very brave thing you did to help another, ((Baysixforme))
Nice to see you back.
for you younger ones, tennessee ernie ford had a hit song about a million years ago called "sixteen tons.
" it was about the travails of a simple man working in the coal mines and the despair and hopelessness about being in that situation.
watchtowerworld(tm) is a similar environment.
Yes, I am too young to have seen the original, but growing up, I loved watching all those old classic reruns.
for you younger ones, tennessee ernie ford had a hit song about a million years ago called "sixteen tons.
" it was about the travails of a simple man working in the coal mines and the despair and hopelessness about being in that situation.
watchtowerworld(tm) is a similar environment.
Remember him on the "I Love Lucy" show? "Vamp me summore!" LoL....
for you younger ones, tennessee ernie ford had a hit song about a million years ago called "sixteen tons.
" it was about the travails of a simple man working in the coal mines and the despair and hopelessness about being in that situation.
watchtowerworld(tm) is a similar environment.
I was born one mornin' when the sun didn't shine
I picked up my book-bag and I walked to the mine(field service)
I placed sixteen books about talking snakes
And then said "Well, a-time for a donut break!"
Celtic: you first.
my swan song
i joined the forum 6/11/03 as an active jw.
i recall being as scared as hell that day.
Great post!
Take care of yourself, y'hear?