I can happily go with he might go to the rare hall where the meeting starts at 7 (not where your family arrives there). I mean out of the 14 or so congregations attended and hundreds more I visited, I never saw it, but I can accept that it did. I mean, it's rare, but possible.If those congregations do meet at 7 (which would be REALLY rare, more rare than meeting on Sturdays, which I have done, but DO is sure I don't know that people meet on different days, even), then it would be strange given that a congregation would choose that given that many have a commute home, children, homework, dinner, etc., to prepare BEFORE meeting and still need time to dress and commute to meeting.
It's also possible the deserving one knows brother dan as he claims and they both live in the Phoenix area.
It's also possible his JW parents were going to give him a brand new car and send him to college.
He says he doesn't want to bring people down yet, in every post, finds subtle ways to give backhanded compliments or ask insulting questions he later has to apologize for.