Sorry . . . corrected.
And thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding.
until recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
Sorry . . . corrected.
And thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding.
until recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
(put that down to bugger all education) . . . ammo
You and I have a different view of scorn and what's reasonable. If you stop misquoting me, attributing motive, and casting slurs . . . our collective idea of reasonable will move a lot closer.
I simply don't understand the hostlity you are directing toward me . . . considering the nature of your complaint. I'm not offended or upset . . . just really curious.
until recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
Why Sizemilk was that scornful, REALLY?
I never said that.
a year ago you were lamenting on how people left you out and this place had clicks/cliques?
(put that down to bugger all education)
If you like.
if you take offence to what I have written
I don't . . . nor did I say that.
look at what some of your mate's so innocently post
What mates? . . . I have no idea what this means.
they are just EXPRESSING their views. Well me too.
Good for you . . . please continue.
until recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
you are not included among the predictable posters.
You put my name exclusively in your "predictable posters" sandwich above . . . it's a fair conclusion given the context. Perhaps you should just name them . . . clear up the confusion.
until recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
The predictable posters have proved true to form, though, as they circle and head in hoping to score.
Do you include your friend ammo in that description? . . . or is it just those who disagree you wish to demonise?
until recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
Oh dear. It is perfectly clear from the opening post that the atheists referred to are those exhibiting the described behaviour on this board. Sizemik, no, we haven't gone from one thing to another, at least, not the thread itself. The predictable posters have proved true to form, though, as they circle and head in hoping to score.
I've done nothing more than try to make a reasonable contribution to the discussion . . . I can only conclude this is deliberately designed to offend.
i have only just recently found this site, in fact only recently gone online to do research of my own about jws.
before i left i had only gone on my gut instinct, not even realising i was not alone with my feelings.
the week i was appointed an elder some 11 years ago, i had had to write to a congregation many miles away from me about how unloving they were (more details below).. not long after i started to have concerns about jws, expecially as the message of 'following the bibles message' subtly changed to 'follow the fds', this did not sit well with me.
welcome happy@last . . .
I can identify somewhat. It was the appalling behaviour of some of my brothers that woke me up too. It was an extremely weighty load to carry at the time, and I lost my mental health as well. Nicely written letter . . . fair and balanced, and yet still a very condemnatory account.
serial killer rose west becomes a jehovah's witness..
This is what happens when you have efficient moderation . . . some of us miss out on the fun bits.
until recently, i had never encountered this word "believers" used as it is being used on this board, to describe pejoratively a group of people.
it's not clear to me whether they scorn all who have a faith of some sort.
do they include buddhists, hindus, followers of the baha'i faith, followers of the cargo cult, native americans along with christians, or is it just christians who are honoured with this epithet?.
The point of this thread, though you'd never guess it from many of the preceding posts, was to try to find out why some, just some, probably only a very few atheists here on this board feel the need to ridicule those who do have beliefs. You are not among those who behave in that way, so don't worry.
You'd never have guessed it from the OP either . . .
We've gone from a general statement about "Atheists" to "only a very few here" . . . after further disqualifying everybody here with a strict interpretation of a label.
The truth has been stated already . . . "a very few here" will use ridicule regardless of the subject or thier stance on it. Believers, Atheists, Agnostics, Republicans, Democrats . . . use whatever label you like, the asshole ratio is always the same.
The OP was fallacious in it's premise and it's wording . . . and simply reflected a personal prejudice.
my wifes mother recently passed away, and it has devastated my wife.
the family, who are not witnesses, but out of respect for the deceased, and who was a jw, had the ceremony at the kingdum hell, which almost made me throw up... last time i ever step foot in that place.
i felt like a vampire on the threshold of a church, as i looked into the interior hall feeling my skin burn and start to smoke... anyways, as i have posted on here before a friend of my wife, has in the past, sent her (my wife) emails about going back to the kingdumb hell.
Delving into a womans mind can be scarier than looking in her purse . . . I don't pretend to have that sorted yet. She's obviously comfortable with where she sits on the matter. I agree with Finkelstein . . . in hindsight, as a JW I knew which inactive ones were still sympathetic to thier belief . . . and when and how to approach. Sounds ugly to recount . . . but exploitation of opportunity was the game . . . we just called it something else. You were right to be alarmed and vigilant.