My wifes mother recently passed away, and it has devastated my wife. The family, who are not witnesses, but out of respect for the deceased, and who was a JW, had the ceremony at the Kingdum Hell, which almost made me throw up... last time I ever step foot in that place. I felt like a vampire on the threshold of a church, as I looked into the interior hall feeling my skin burn and start to smoke... anyways, as I have posted on here before a friend of my wife, has in the past, sent her (my wife) emails about going back to the Kingdumb Hell. I have successfully pulled my wife away, but now I find that due to this "friend" now sending emails like hot cakes throughout the day, my wife may be swinging the other way and actually considering going back!!!! I am pissed! Since my wife and I share a common email address I can read her emails, as well as she can read mine. Should I email this "friend" back and explain that I DO NOT want them fucking with my wifes head any longer, and to STOP the preaching? Thoughts? We have a great life now that we are out, and this bitch (sorry) is trying to suck my wife back into this cult at her weakest moments!!!!!! Thanks!
Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***
by sinis 46 Replies latest jw friends
Christ Alone
Protect your family at all costs. This is your wife's weakest moments and can either bring her closer to the watchtower or push her away. I would act accordingly.
Theocratic Sedition
Shouldnt you speak to your wife first before telling the friend to stop emailing her? I understand the concern, but she should have some say in matter too, right?
I don't think it's right to try to control another adult. Your wife should be able to talk to who she wants. Let her go back if that what she thinks will make her happy. You don't have to make it easy for you. You don't have to join her. But you can make it more fun (and genuine) to be away from the hall.
I'm very much in a 'Live and Let Live' mode. When asked, I'm pretty clear on my own views. I temper it a little with active JWs (like my own family), but other wise I don't initiate religious discussions.
On a separate, but probably related note, I don't understand 'shared' personal email accounts, though. It's not like you have to pay to get your own. Do you share an account because neither of you trusts the other?
You realize that if she goes back due to playing her heart strings at her weakest moment I am FUCKED! I love my wife, and she hould not be preyed upon like some weak soul...
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I'd suggest gently reasoning with your wife. She just lost her mother and you don't want to her to fear that your relationship is suddenly in trouble.
Perhaps rather than confronting the chatty JW, have messages coming from her redirected to the spam folder.
I agree you can't tell her who she can talk to but I sympathise with your predicament. I would try to persuade her that this is not the time to be making a decision and choose your time to discuss the reasons why you personally can no longer believe its the "truth". Keep it calm and rational - no far-fetched conspiracy stuff. You don't want to frighten her back to he rold JW friends.
(By the way I still detest your avatar with a passion)
I just wrote the witness. I am tired of this shit!!!!!!!
Thanks Cofty, sorry about the avatar, its an inside joke, and unfortunately I'm not able to change it...
I don't think you should send such an email (too late?). What are we fighting for? For self-determination? Or for our chosen outcome at all costs? Are we any different than JW's when we seek to limit the association of another adult? If my husband did this to me, it would be a sign of some very big problems in our marriage and his attitude toward me.